25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan discussing Bobby on tv

  1. 0304tj

    when she does it right, she does it right. she’s a great actress and if all that other drama wasn’t there she could be Oscar-material.

  2. glennjr1981

    lindsay lohan is a wonderful actress. and emilio is a great director. i hope he continues to work with her for the time being and hope he can actually stand up for her everytime the magazines lie about her. because i’m sick of the trash the magazines are pulling on her. i know these magazines and media are lying about her. who do they think they are. i’m glad emilio stood up for her especially during this interview. this media should focus on how great she is in the film.

  3. zenathty

    everybody have ups and downs…she’s not that little girl anymore we use to think..everybody needs to grow up and she’s typical grown up..just let her be what she is now..people are so negative..lindsay is great!!

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