Lindsay Lohan ‘Disappoints’ Barbara Walters

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9 Responses

  1. hutch says:

    So professional, Barbara. Airing your grievances about a canceled interview
    with a national television audience. This is a very troubled girl,
    especially at that time. How about showing some professionalism and
    compassion and dealing with it privately with Lohan’s management??

  2. rkl08551 says:

    yeAh…nice try?

  3. sweetlikez says:

    The reason why Lindsay Lohan didn’t want Barbara to interview because
    Barbara knows how to interview her and knows punch lines. No other
    interviewers can do what Barbara. Maybe Lohan was just scared and not
    ready to tell the truth. Leno is good but his interview was short and he
    got many guests to interview next, where as Barbara’s interview is only
    focused on her. Maybe it was a sign.. but oh well Lindsay did come back
    again lol. It is what it is. Everything happens for a reason. Barbara was
    just upset at the moment because she was prepared and sounded interested to
    interview Lohan at the time. ?

  4. stardustexpresss says:

    Lohan and her agent/mgr know she’s not out of the woods with regards to her
    drug problem it wouldn’t be honest of her to put up a front regarding her
    situation. If she was honest saying something like ‘ oh barbara by the way
    I’m still using’ then that would very likely create her more harm then
    good. I’m sure Barbara knows Ms. Lohan is troubled and her interview style
    would pry deeply into Ms.Lohan’s difficulties .

    From what I can see from this clip- barbara’s need to demonstrate how
    barbara’s state of being is more important than anyone else’s . If Ms.
    Lohan wasn’t troubled it wouldn’t be aired -that it is the sick part about
    this . If it was a cancelled interview with the Queen of England and
    changes where made then that would have be perfectly understandable and the
    exchange would be kept confidential but b/c its a troubled woman like
    Ms.Lohan ….barbara can point out how messed up Ms Lohan is while
    degrading her on a public forum b/c barbara knows ppl love to hear about
    the misfortunes of others it gives ppl a false sense of superiority. In
    parts of this talk around the table barbara is trying to sound sincere but
    she’s really not she cares for no one but herself and her own glory
    reflected in the ratings for her show. She makes me sick. I have far more
    respect for a circus act then barbara walters?

  5. Jamie Sanders says:

    Barbra annoys me so much, she thinks she is the best interviewer. I would
    have picked to do jay Leno too ?

  6. Andrew Boone says:

    Barbara was a little PO?

  7. michelmoutinhofr1 says:

    Whoopi couldn’t have been more honest. Barbara has built her career over
    people’s misfortunes and wants to come across as a respectable lady,
    pretending her ultimate goal in her interviews isn’t to drive people insane
    and breakdown, no matter how fragile their state is.
    And yes, Elizabeth could gain a lot by keeping her judgmental air to
    herself and her fellow republicans!?

  8. ldchappell1 says:

    Unbelievable. Lindsey Lohan as Liz Taylor. What an insult to Liz Taylor. I
    have a friend who had been obsessed with Lindsey Lohan ever since “Mean
    Girls.” He watched that stupid movie over 100 times. ?

  9. faboze says:

    Elizabeth kissing ass ?