23 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Continues Shopping At Madison.

  1. kimba3218

    The sales girls look so jealous and bitchy. They probably think they should be the ones having their picture taken. I hate sales girls like that.

  2. tuddyfruity4

    i love lindsay- but she back is pealing as is burned- why- i do not know- she is craying as she has no lover- i much love she overalls she wears most every day- she has bad taste in clothes- no beautifule homemade skirts- just many skanky clothes

  3. bigdreamsndgoals

    OK! I used to think linsay was the best, the pretties and the 1 w the most talent, but watching this video made me have second tought she looks so skinny and fagile and faded her skin look awfull and you can see almost everybone her face looks like she about to die, linsay i love u and i think you have the potencial 2 do so much more but u need to conduct a better healthier life style being skinny doesnt make u beautiful, embracing ur curves does, taning is killing you, luv urself in ur own skin

  4. bereniceC23

    GROSS!!! Her skin is falling off. It’s probably because she have been using her tanning product and it went all wrong. I think have an eating disorder is part of the problem.

  5. mehtoole

    Hollywood TV is so great. This is what I want: surveillance. Full time surveillance. I could watch Lindsay shop while precariously holding a beverage, all day

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