Lindsay Lohan & Conrad Murray could be morgue mates – MurLo

Sorry for the late upload; shot this vid last week, but no time to edit. Finally found time yay! This is part 1 – Entertainment news. I will upload Part 2, right after. Enjoy xoxo And remember to watch The Dru Soo Show #1 to get all the info on the ipod 4GB shuffle giveaway!! Connect with me: Facebook: ? Twitter: ?

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12 Responses

  1. amoaxe25 says:

    Sure, you’re more than welcome. And Dec. 10th, that’s real cool and Ill keep that in mind. 🙂 As a fan that is. Lol

  2. BeingDru says:

    @amoaxe25 aw shucks thx! and ty for the feedback :). It’s dec 10

  3. amoaxe25 says:

    Btw when is your Bday?

  4. amoaxe25 says:

    Sorry I meant vlogs. Lol

  5. amoaxe25 says:

    I love both of these videos. Dru you are a genius at these blogs. Keep up the good 9-5. 🙂

  6. BeingDru says:

    @Encom7 Ty & thx for hte feedback, will do 🙂

  7. BeingDru says:

    @Blessednelly16 Lol glad you enjoyed my vid! No I had no idea he was Trini!! And ty, I just came up with the song while filming hahah. Yes I did talk a bit fast, point taken, will try to speak slower nx time 😀

  8. BeingDru says:

    @ilysnowbuni Lol ty 😀

  9. shezie125 says:


  10. Encom7 says:

    Very good but you might want to slow down just a little because at times it’s a bit difficult to understand what your saying.

  11. Blessednelly16 says:

    MurLo???? EPIC, now i need a drink lol, and of course u do no Conrad Murphy is from Trinidad right..oh lawd another Trini….WHY!!!!!!! Bieber baby?? sorry I fell in love with the panty hose song…shorrrrttt…longgggg…laceeeee…ROFL!!!! I hope ppl understood what you said cuz u speed talk like ah Trini lol..

  12. ilysnowbuni says:

    Lmao at the random panty hose song! I love this Dru!!!!! Your soooo funnyyy XD