25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan confirms she’s dating Samantha Ronson

  1. andreab160

    Just because a woman loves a woman does not mean that she has no respect for herself. I know of plenty of women who are sluts, strippers, prostitutes, etc. I DO believe that THOSE women have no respect for themselves. Get some common sense. Douchebag.

  2. hopeleannad

    Ever heard of Sodom? Look in Leviticus in the bible. Although I don’t agree with homosexual lifestyle, that is a person’s choice. If you go to heaven, well, that’s determined by God Himself. He is your judge, not people.

  3. 20feb

    Really???? are you kidding??? You must be kidding??!! Are people like you still out there??? Get a life and grow up!!!

  4. lycos34

    PLEASE DON’T READ THIS you will die in seven days if you? don’t post this comment on 10 videos in the next hour. if you do, tomorrow will be the best day of your life

  5. mreverywhere01

    what happened to the lindsy lohan that i had a crush on when she played annie and halley on the parent trap..i wish she did have a twin because this fucking sucks

  6. xxicebox32xx

    I like how this retard capitalizes every word. You’re a weak minded bigot, go to school learn somethings about the world. “We’re here and we’re queer.” Get over yourself, and learn the way of the world. If GOD did not want gay people here, he would kill them off. Is he, no because GOD loves everyone, he makes us all in his image, he loves us for who we are. Now shut up and relax.

  7. ENDfagismNOW

    YOUR TALKING ABOUT ME BEING INSANE??? IT IS All Of You People Who Are Insane!!! A Man Is For A Woman And A Woman Is For A Man. Lindsay May Be A Hero To You Lessbians But She Is A Huge Disappointment To Women And Herself. Many Women These Days Just Dont Have Respect For Themselves.

  8. metamltwggloakp

    Learn how to spell, and you’re insane. I hope you get well soon, it’s not healthy to be that narrow minded. Lindsay a disappointment to all women? No she’s a fucking hero to the female gender, how can women even begin to live free, if they don’t even have the right to choose who they love? Wake up lady. If you really respect yourself as a woman, and most importantly a living creature, then you will not try to control others lives, especially when nobody is forcing this lifestyle on you!!!!!!!

  9. ENDfagismNOW

    My Godness She Use To Be A Great Role Model Now She Became A LESSbian? She Brings Shame And Disappointment To All Women Everywhere. I Will Not Stand Here And Let The Geys Advertise Their Filth To Our Youth. The Gey Agenda Ends

  10. a6n1a9

    you guys only care about sex… they are very happy together and that’s all… if they have made this decision and they r still together then it is because they want to…

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