25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan – Confessions Of Broken Heart (Dave Aude Mix)

  1. sammiXstar

    1. Cover your mouth with you hand
    2. Make a wish
    3.Close your hand (fist)
    4. Hold you hand at heart for 5 seconds
    5. Send this to 3 more videos
    6. Tommorrow? will be the best day ever
    it actually worked

  2. mylenefarmer9

    you’re telling me this is little lindsay, with her family, in a cavern in fire?
    look closely, you can see this is the two actresses from xena, only for a couple of seconds.

    And I NEVER saw this picture in confessions of a broken heart music clip.

  3. DJCYBORG0283

    Paris Hilton is snob bitch, she had everything on her life
    Lindsay Lohan did not she suffered trauma for her dad
    i am victim too from my dad he abused me and my ma
    so dont talk shit anymore about her

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