lindsay lohan confessions of a broken heart live at ama 2005

lindsay lohan confessions of a broken heart live at ama 2005

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25 Responses

  1. pietruszka2705 says:

    Thanks 49redskies ! 🙂

  2. pietruszka2705 says:

    Thanks! 🙂 49redskies

  3. olympianthief says:

    she can definetly sing look at that audience thats huge. she has the guts to get up there to sing and shes good so haterz go up and sing that song infront of more the 1,000 people and let me know how u do

  4. nicziwills says:

    she has some guts to get up and sing that song live connsidering what the song is about! and i think she sang it very well!

  5. analiya159 says:

    @brittanyKSlv exactly………..i think she is fab in every way…….its very hard to sing live…..

  6. brittanyKSlv says:

    1) this song has Alot of long notes. 2) theres a Huge audience watching her , so she was probably just nervous. Plus singing Live isnt the easiest thing to do. So those who are talking about how bad she was, why dont get your ass up there & try singing the song. Atleast she had the balls to even sing Live.

  7. 49redskies says:

    @pietruszka2705 Edge of seventeen by Stevie Knicks 🙂

  8. SexyBabe10170 says:

    @AEO68 i agree

  9. SexyBabe10170 says:

    she is really good! i have all her songs.

  10. CandyKiller96 says:

    She can sing!

  11. AEO68 says:

    @scorpion642 if u dont like her dont be stupid and listen to her and write negative things about her

  12. AEO68 says:

    @MaddieLouiseRossetto its hard singing live and actually shes a rly good singer

  13. pietruszka2705 says:

    what’s the title of the song she sing after confession?

  14. CHRISTINAandCHERlove says:

    She sounds amazing because she sounds just like the soundtrack…

  15. scorpion642 says:

    ur beatiful but sing suck -.-

  16. OAVJunior says:

    Actually, she CAN sing. She just doesn’t have the balls to do it.

  17. SwiftFanNhel says:

    She is kind off not in tune. Pitchy at some parts. But I’m glad it is live.

  18. MaddieLouiseRossetto says:

    She’s not very good live :S

  19. heliocbairros says:

    I like it

  20. saranghae1997 says:

    i still love lindsay after those drugs thingy !
    love her from the beginning and til the end !

  21. freakyshlyamazing says:

    I didn’t know she could sing, but I think she did a great job! =D Most artists today use auto-tuned, or sing in playback,.. or just sing bad when they are live, so in my opinion she was good!

  22. thebritneyfan09 says:

    Come one guys shes not that bad, not everyones good at singing LIVE where you have to raise your voice nd do long notes

  23. hantam96 says:

    she’s like the opposite of hilary duff. She can’t sing, yet she’s still overly confident. Hilary Duff CAN sing, yet she doesn’t have the balls to sing the high notes of her songs live.

  24. crazthecrystal says:

    Dang I really thought she could sing until I realized that her back up singers are actually singing almost everything along with her. Well they can really sing so go back up singers

  25. davidmtzb says:

    horrible :S