Lindsay Lohan & Co. (Full Version)

The full interview from California On Spring Break. WATCH THE ORIGINAL VIDEO HERE: FIND ME ONLINE: ******** Watch the other UNCUTS Milf & Kids: Koreans FTW!: Watch My other CALIFORNIA ON videos here: ******* SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL! SEND ME LETTERS: 2461 Santa Monica Blvd. #511 Santa Monica, CA 90404 ******** Graphic Design by: http

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25 Responses

  1. TheGreenDizzle says:

    I live in Simi Valley. We only have one trailerpark you crazy Kassem.

  2. KTHARLEM125TH says:

    CHECK OUT MY NEW SINGLE “DON’T LISTEN TO KT” – Keon Torres, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ME! I need 200 more subscribers to reach 1000 subs, & I’m tryna get signed

  3. alauta says:

    is she really lindsay lohan?

  4. spilot14 says:

    5 way kiss….LMAO.

  5. PirateSmoothie says:

    cali on CANADA!…oh….that will be interesting!

  6. classicwiseguy says:

    california on canada

  7. tuckisgod says:

    California on Justin Bieber

  8. darkraven1414 says:

    That kid in the striped shirt was actually pretty funny unlike almost everyone thats ever been on here lol.
    Love you Kassem!!

  9. Huapua says:

    California on:

    The Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle

  10. PopularityChance says:

    I have a brand new video up right now,showing The brutal murder of Robert Pattinson…. REAL SHOCKING FOOTAGE…Please Don’t watch if you are easily scared!!!

  11. GenEmperor says:

    Im starting to hate the loud YAY

  12. jasmin3370 says:

    california on jealous

  13. liwaste says:

    wtf is wrong with your mic

  14. psyco4purps says:

    That guy is totally jealous.

  15. EmerossMusic says:

    new song, check it out, subscribe, if you want 🙂

  16. sammy818sam says:

    California on Justin Bieber! =)

  17. mattmanman2 says:

    California on California

  18. fatsotomuscles says:


  19. paincakes1 says:

    Cali on beaners

  20. DPORT1423 says:

    California on Megan fox 🙂

  21. Reav420 says:


    they stank

  22. coolshalash says:

    California? on Summer Movies

  23. coolshalash says:

    California On South Park

  24. hugo93637 says:

    California On South Park

  25. lensky95 says:

    Hahahahahh you are so funny seriously!

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