Lindsay Lohan Claims She Had a Miscarriage While Filming Reality Show

( – Lindsay Lohan dropped a bombshell tonight on her reality show’s finale, telling a pair of producers that she had suffered a miscarriage in the…

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25 Responses

  1. Ree Benz says:

    oh god Lindsay 🙁 I wish I could help her,,, I don’t get how so many people
    are cussing her off for being like this when they dont even know what
    triggered it off, then when she dies you’ll all be fake claiming how
    wonderful she was & how much u love & gonna miss her. why dont you try and
    be positive and help this lost soul?

  2. acrossthestars says:

    I feel sad for this pathological liar. I really did root for her initially,
    but she’ll NEVER go back to her golden ages. NEVER. Stupid bitch.?

  3. George Lewis says:

    miscarriage is the loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy.?

  4. lamps says:

    nasty, whore, drugy, daddy issues she’s a walking talking circus.?

  5. beeroosterm says:

    The reason you are crying Lindsay, is that you just told another whopper of
    a lie and your conscience is getting the better of you. All may not be lost
    yet. Unless of course she was just acting. I take it back – she was just
    acting. Oh, this is an old, old story. The statistics give her a 50/50 shot
    of getting off the dope on a permanent basis. If she wasn’t a celebrity,
    that would be good enough, but I’m certain she is going the way of Marylin
    Monroe. Only a matter of time now, as she has run out of options. A good
    piece of therapy for her would be to make out a last will and testament and
    buy a cemetery plot. I’ve done it, and it’s pretty damned sobering…?

  6. QueenLorde says:

    People are making some really harsh comments here. Yes Lindsay has a train
    wreck of a life that she is ultimately responsible for. Regardless of
    whether or not the miscarriage story is true, I feel sad for her. She needs
    help that no one seems able to give her. I hope she doesn’t become part of
    the 27 club.?

  7. onepoundpull says:

    This only proves what I’ve said all along, that Hollyweird inhabitants are
    flakes, because nobody in their right mind in the real world would put
    their dick in that skank. Unless of course it was an immaculate
    conception….oh hell, wait a minute, I shouldn’t have said that…now
    that’s going to be her next big revelation and why she’s late for something
    or another.?

  8. beeroosterm says:

    Note how she blithely tosses out the the notion of a miscarriage, as if
    both it and her two week absence were of no consequence. A complete and
    utter lie. A 10 day bender with 4 days to recover and maintain is the more
    likely explanation.?

  9. beeroosterm says:

    The first thing that goes in addicted people is the truth. The one thing
    you can absolutely count on from any addict is that the truth becomes some
    kind of foreign concept, forever gone in service of the addiction. Lohan is
    no exception, and clearly went on a two-week bender. Whether or not she was
    pregnant and miscarried is not relevant. Those of us on the other side of
    people like Lohan will understand. The only thing to feel sorry about in
    Lohan’s case is that she has no loving parental support (so she can put
    them through hell and ruin their lives). They both have their own troubles.?

  10. greekmd says:

    Rumor has it that James Deen, the miscarried “baby’s” father, is

  11. cgord37 says:

    she looks like The Joker!?

  12. Sarah Okc says:

    1) Docu-series? It’s a reality show. They tried to call that Nashville show
    a documentary but even the cast stopped trying 😀
    2) Lohan has lied SO many times that most of us are so *jaded* by it, who
    knows if she had a miscarriage? And how handy to go out on that note, where
    if you’re not weeping, you are called insensitive by some.
    3) Get your shit together, Lindsay. You used to be a star, now you aren’t.
    You don’t “do charity” either. Grow up and contribute to the world instead
    of sucking the life out of everyone around you.?

  13. Nicolás Spears says:

    poor lindsay ): im feel so bad for him :'( ?

  14. abby killienih says:

    People don’t lie about miscarriages right? But no seriously…she would not
    lie about that right? I mean she does have an ethical line….maybe????

  15. benJamyn Gardner says:

    This is so sad
    The poor girl needs someone to be there for her!?

  16. Jonelle Cherry says:

    i don’t feel sorry for her at all. She needs to take responsibility for her
    actions and stop trying to throw pity parties. no one forced that coke up
    your nose. so many ppl dream to have the life she has and all she did was
    party it away and now you want to cry shut up!?

  17. youpumpertube says:

    Lindsay Lohan is a 40-year-old, banged-out hooker crying wolf.?

  18. Jennifer Roach says:

    idk, i have been watching her show, but i am not going to bad mouth her
    cause we are all human and we all make mistakes in our lives and do things
    that are not right, but i dont know if i can believe that she had a
    miscarriage cause i know how it is to have a miscarriage, and when she
    started off she smiled a little then had her eyes to to the side whole
    time, and there was no emotion behind it, and the tears didnt really look
    all that real to me,, it looks like as if she was acting,, its like shes
    living her life as a actress and not getting the grip on reality of things,
    but like i said im not going to judge her, but if she really did have a
    miscarriage its sad, i really do hope the best for her, for her to get her
    life in order,, ?

  19. Cee Gee says:

    This is an MK ultra slave to the entertainment industry her mind is in
    constant disarray, she’s not even connected to herself, god bless her soul
    and the many others like her..alot of ppl aren’t aware of what really goes
    on and don’t understand how ignorant they are for criticizing and
    ridiculing her..smh?

  20. Andrea Lopez says:

    everybody back the fuck up. if you don’t like her, don’t sit here and waste
    energy by typing negative comments. go find a hobby.?

  21. Brindo Leetu says:

    Celebrities like Lindsey are so compelling. How many of us “hatewatch”
    shows like these to project and process our insecurities through their
    public personas? The girl is 27, how would any of us be healthy or happy
    with millions of people rooting for our ruin at that age or any other? ?

  22. MIKE T says:

    This talentless bitch lies so much no one believes anything she says. Plus
    could you imagine her raising a kid? “SCARRY” .?

  23. Hanabalu Baloon says:

    Poor thing..?

  24. InFiNiTyWaRd55 says:


  25. Amrita Bal says:

    The best thing she can do for herself is get out of the spotlight and seek
    some help. A reality show isn’t helping.?