Lindsay Lohan Chooses Rehab in the Hamptons

The actress reportedly plans to party in Coachella before jetting off to New York for a 30-day stint at Seafield Center. Get the deets!

25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Chooses Rehab in the Hamptons

  1. fistpumpchamp92

    sure she tries,? but getting off any substance is damn near impossible plus all of her friends are into drugs and i may not be her best friend but i could pretty much bet my life on it.

  2. karen henry

    Lindsay will be the poorest person in rehab in the Hamptons for sure. No one else is going to give her the time of day there cause they are all ladder rungs above her socially. Have fun with that Lindsay?

  3. foxeaglecooke08

    Why does she get to choice when she go and where she go. That girl has been in so much with the law. She should be thrown in the lower? class people and facilities.

  4. coney jon

    Sadly, Lindsay is not going to get well even if she completes her 90 day rehab stint. Because first you have to admit that there’s a problem than you cant find ways to fix it….But she doesn’t even think she has a problem so how is she gona get better? Plus she is only gona got to rehab as? a formality because she has to…otherwise she could care less. Its really sad, I really hope she turns things around like Britney did.

  5. anonnonymous1

    I take about 5mg of Adderall a day which is a really low dose, just to? pep me up a little in the morning mostly because I have severe depression other wise I literally cannot get out of my bed, and I’m only 19. 🙁 But overdoing any drug like Adderall is not good because even though the high might be awesome, the low is literally like hell on earth. So I really can’t imagine how some people abuse drugs everyday because the low sucks so much and it’s proven to fuck you up.

  6. moviedude22

    @thelightsounds. No. sad is what happens when average americans has to the face the Justice system with out the luxury of high paid? legal representation to run a mockery of the system on their behalf. This is just sheer entertainment.

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