25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Celebrity Hoarder (The Insider Part 2).mpg

  1. 07tandu

    her house isn’t that bad, if I was rich and famous I would probably have heaps of clothing around. And it looks pretty organized its not like its all over the floor. Everything is either racked or boxed. Stupid interview.

  2. PurpleAngelic

    Lindsay might be going through alot, but she seems like a nice person:)
    Cuz at first, she acted like she was stuck up….she just needs to get herself back together and make her fans proud(but im not a fan, im just saying) and it teaches ppl that money isn’t everything. And ppl such celeb might seem like they have it all, but they are not as happy as ppl that aren’t celebrities..just wanted to point that out..

  3. leooon007


    nothing happened to her teeth!she had an lip injection…and she had duck lips, but now their lips looks just fine 🙂 cause this interview is from months ago.

  4. jedimind09

    lol instead of helping the people in Haiti or starving kids in Africa or helping the homeless the Insider tries to help rich spoiled white girls to sort their clothes

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