Lindsay Lohan Celebrity Hoarder (The Insider Part 1).mpg

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25 Responses

  1. Luke19Wales says:

    you know i think shes lucky to have all those shoes and clothes but yeah she needs to get rid of some 😛
    shes a nice girl so people need to leave her alone she just needs someone in her life who lover her for her and not for her fame or money . . .
    i have faith shes gonna sort herself out though shes a cool girl 🙂

  2. elsoda says:

    unreal….children starving in the world and here you have a fucking drug addict spoiled bratt who not only is a wreak of a human being but a dirty one at that….

  3. DORUKOZKAN says:

    that black woman is a asshole against her

  4. Rico9XXX says:

    POOR WHORE.. is this where this talented actress career has nose dived to? hording??? this is the only way she can make news? pathetic..

    she is DANA PLATO on steroids

  5. emitol1 says:

    by mog?a si? podzieli? z biednymi….

  6. frostedsnowflakes says:

    Lindsay, let me sell a small section of your closet and I shall not commit suicide for I shall have the money I need. I promise I will give you a BJ afterwards. And no, I wouldn’t steal from Lindsay I would never do that. That’s like stealing from royalty in comparison to me.

  7. ireene91 says:

    haha and i thought my room was a mess..

  8. turnuon79 says:

    i hate the insider but i love Lindsay im just watching this for her
    and she’s not spoiled … she got money coz she worked for it

  9. thundershock101 says:

    :your kidding right ? poor ? if she can buy that much of clothes and don’t even uses them. yeah poor girl 0.o”

  10. thundershock101 says:

    Spoiled anyone?

  11. hobo59 says:

    Lets see the hands. How many guys wanna see her make a lesbian sex flick ? Come on tell the truth !

  12. ElysianxFields says:

    OMG thats like a whole store of clothes! The amount of clothes she has in her house matches the size of H&M! Watching this video makes me feel so terribly sorry for the poor children living in africa, china and other parts of the world..there are so many ppl including children that are so poor they dont have anything to worry! and look at this spoiled brat? She’s got soo much that she has to throw away!

  13. gaminkalv says:

    Must be nice to buy all that stuff without worrying about money. At least her coke habit slows down the shopping sprees.

    ps. Her sister is fucking hot 2:00.

  14. TheBleuDolphin says:

    This is so blow out of proportion. She doesn’t even leave there, its an empty apartment and she using to keep all her old stuffs….

  15. roshanakmofidi says:

    Omg, WHAT are we going to do you guys?? A celebrity with a crap-load of money cannot stop shopping..Of course, THIS is a REAL problem, and not the 100s of innocent children who die because of starvation in Africa.


  16. Bently1108 says:

    Thats a GAY MAns DREAM!

  17. mimomickey says:

    She couldve savedd all that money and gave it to the poor animals getting killed everyday or since shes not gonna wear more than half of the stuff she has…give it to the poooorrr!! holyy crapp can we say selfishh!!

  18. kurahhh says:

    i don’t see it :/

  19. 101feven101 says:

    lindsay lohan looks normal here I think she’s back to her normal self before the clubbing and drugs

  20. GeGeMus12 says:

    lol nice dildo on top of that pile of clothes 😉

  21. jnrbshp says:

    im surprised niecy nash could fit that booty in the room with all that stuff inside…

  22. vanillasugarcookie says:

    she needs to donate!

  23. slamdarkangel123 says:

    Yes it’s not her fault its the media’s fault for sure and she seems so sweet and she is just being young and just trying to have fun with her life i wish her all the best from the bottom of my heart <3333

  24. akb333 says:

    THIS IS NOT BAD!!!!!! She just has a lot of clothing!!

  25. Toiletcoffee says:

    Part 2 is now up !

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