Lindsay Lohan Celebrates Her Birthday!!! Happy Birthday!!!

Lindsay Lohan Celebrates Her Birthday!!! Happy Birthday!!!

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24 Responses

  1. julivuela says:

    really she can’t even enjoy her own redicules are paparazzi, he?!

    and it’s not the paparazzi day too, it’s not even her fans day, it’s just HER day..

  2. amirr84 says:

    it is because most of us americans are dumbasses and we spend too much money to figure out whats happening in celebs life, and we consider their life our business so we give good excuse to paparazzi to stick their nose in to celeb’s life.

  3. HanseyLohan says:

    Paparazzi is dumbass.. They can’t let someone live peacefully.. ~.~ Even if she/he was on their birthday..

  4. bornadisaster911 says:

    i dont even like Lindsey Lohan that much, so this isnt coming from an obsessed fan…

    this video is really sick. shes not an animal at the zoo that you can sing to and make her dance for you. Shes a human being. paparazzi need to get a life.

  5. aussierose1981 says:

    its her birthday so why cant they just enjoy her day in peace

  6. Caarrooline says:

    poor Linds, I don’t think her wish when she blew out the candles was to be attackted by the papz singing happy birthday really bad x)


  7. CutePrincessxo says:

    i feel sorry for the paparazzi… all they do all day is follow celebs like dogs and take pictures… damnn… there are more interesting stuff to do in life …

  8. deeperwater777 says:

    THese paparazzi , i really dont like,.
    they are stupid men while tey had to be in Amsterdam to let me show you’ll how to make a video, i would’ve his face with the camera stupid mens,,,

    loves you lindsey , Uri Deeper Water !

  9. chevygrrl2006 says:

    ‘it’s party tiiiime’…soo cute!

  10. corslight1333 says:

    how is it legal to stalk her lik this?

  11. AlanArdelean says:

    Yeah,, the paparazzy are so asses! They dont even leave her alone on her birthday i’d like to be there and kick them with a basseball bat just to leave her alone! Idiotas no la pueden dejar el su compleanios ! Putas de mierda! I hope u burn in hell,.U see when that one was singing for 2-3 secs, mad??? Deamn they so anoying! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDSAY U JUST HANG IN THERE, dont shoot them like i would!

  12. madydlovesrex says:

    you say that now but its not a one day or whenever you like thing they are forever following you and spreding lies

  13. lisababy4lyfe says:

    Aww, man I wish I had paparazzi follow me around, or sing Happy Birthday to me on my birthday 🙂 I would’ve said thanks, I really appreciate it to them.

  14. gigarcia2 says:

    lilo and samantha are amazing together!

  15. W1C1W says:

    come on luv, getya puppies out for the boys.

  16. rukzrox says:

    happy belated bdy..lurvee thooo

  17. 09wonderfui says:

    The paps are funny

  18. panamagrl says:

    puta madre q gentiooooo….pobre mujer bueno al menos no necesita seguridad con la bola de tipos tomandole foto es mas q seguro 😀

  19. amerikanuluv says:

    The paps are A-Holes…They follow her in every second of her life…They don’t deserve any “thank you”…Lindsay i hope you have all the happyness and health in the world…Happy B-DAY…I LLove you…And i wil love you always…peace

  20. Luv4Zashley says:

    She atleast should have talked to them a little. I mean come on, they sung her a song! Even Ashley Tisdale(its Ashley’s b-day too) said thank you!!!!

  21. countrygurl1002 says:

    Do your roots girl..Bitchy much!!!

  22. Jahzee says:

    U GUYZ ARE FUCKEN ANNOYING! if i were a celebrity id prolly alredy killed one of u guyz

  23. yayforsharpies says:

    geez. she doesnt even show any recognition.

  24. evalyn0future0star says:

    I love her but she could have atleast said THANKS???!!

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