WTF she doesnt look like she’s in her 40’s you fucking morons, lets get a picture of all you fat fucks and lets do a quick comparison, quit judging other people? unless you wish to be judged.
Lindsay Lohan is a stupid slut. She’s so irritating, all she can do is party and get caught by the paparazzi. Also, she used to be so cute and sweet, but she ruined her natural beauty by dying her red locks bleach blonde, getting plastic surgery,and? drinking. Now she looks like an old unattractive woman. It’s sad, you know, but that’s Hollywood and child celebrities.
Calm down? I don’t think she looks forty. I do however think she looks like she’s pushing 35. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Just another crackhead. It’s nice to see? a person who could have had a great life blow it up with drugs and idiotic behavior. Real genius.
WTF she doesnt look like she’s in her 40’s you fucking morons, lets get a picture of all you fat fucks and lets do a quick comparison, quit judging other people? unless you wish to be judged.
26 going on? 47.
She? looks old
Happy Birthday? Lindsay! I love Her!
She? looks 42 not 26
All i know is? i wasted 10 bucks on a playboy for a skank spread..ya i know i got suckered in like a moron …
Like if you totally forgot how young she? is
you bitch!dont say slut of lindsay lohan,you? slut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26 and? already a has been.
How pathetic.
Lindsay Lohan is a stupid slut. She’s so irritating, all she can do is party and get caught by the paparazzi. Also, she used to be so cute and sweet, but she ruined her natural beauty by dying her red locks bleach blonde, getting plastic surgery,and? drinking. Now she looks like an old unattractive woman. It’s sad, you know, but that’s Hollywood and child celebrities.
Oh? uh only one year left to live linz..
wow she? made it to 26…im surprised!
26???? 56!!! 😛
happy birthday? and God bless <3