Lindsay Lohan Buys Indian Shoes

Lindsay Lohan Buys Indian Shoes

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8 Responses

  1. MikefromMadrid says:

    what the hell are indian shoes?

    Fuck chinks!

  2. craock says:

    well i trully enjoyed that. at least she has someone to drive her around. no matter what you guys think she has someone who cares enough to take care of her. unlike some people i know

  3. fefersunoo says:

    U must care too since u watched the video.

  4. javiiiro says:


  5. msadriejonasx3 says:

    Theres starving children in Africa!
    And you care about Lindsay Lohan buying indian shoes? Ughh. Your a shame to humanity.

  6. Alllllleeee says:

    that was rude of her the lady was like lindsay can i take a picture with u and she just left

  7. lynnVisible says:

    who’s lindsay lohan?

  8. yokkumm says:

    and do we care…..

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