Lindsay Lohan Breaks Down In Court – Feel Sorry For Her?

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25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Breaks Down In Court – Feel Sorry For Her?

  1. SuperYellow1989

    its so undignified, she should act like a grown up and listen to the judge.

    its too late to change it anyway, does she really think acting like a spoilt child having a tantrum is going to sway the judge’s sentence?

    i do feel sorry for any1 having to go to jail, but shes such a drama queen about eveything, its only a few weeks

  2. davidwalder

    They are making a stupid argument. Think about it: The “F*ck You” on her fingernails would only be visible for her lawyer (who shes probably not wanting to adress) and the paparazzi who are able to zoom and wanna watch her in a moment of great weakness.

  3. dokken447

    what a spoiled piece of the fuck is her life so bad she has to shoot up? fuck if i was in her shoes i would be grateful for every little thing i have and never take advantage of it

  4. betamaxdc

    Everyone cry for the unfortunate filthy rich celebrity. There are real issues and atrocities happening to people who aren’t as fortunate..fuck this story and fuck her…let’s get back to feeling sorry for actual victims.

  5. Ilovevedios44

    ok i didnt see the whole story of what she did and i know what she did was really bad but guys come on people go through things and someitmes trials can take you through really bad stuff but im not saying wat she did was ok

  6. vipewolf

    @walkwizzy When I heard Lindsay Lohan was going to jail, I was like “Oh big deal, she has money, she can pay her way out easily.”
    I was wrong and right at the same time!!!! The judge sent her to jail for 90 days, but all her fans gathered up and start a “Free Lindsay riot”, and now Lindsay will be out of jail SHORTLY!!! I KNEW IT!!!! These celebrities are LUCKY they’re famous!!! Without their fans, they wouldn’t have the chance to be excused!!

  7. DictatorRoB

    @jxsilicon9 Or she cound use Braveheart dialoge

    “You can take my life, but you will never take-MY FREEDOM!!!” And then go insane, beating everyone including her lawyer.

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