25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Bossy (Official Music Video) (Subtitulado al Español)(HD)

  1. mrscupcakie

    to me it? looked like she was doing coke off that guys back with the other girl. probably was at the time. they all look high as a kite!

  2. Sugarbunny1645

    If shes such a slut.. why even bother clicking on the video. If ya got it.. flaunt it honey! Todays media sells with sex, drugs, and alcohol. She, by far, has the body to make a video that sells on sex appeal. Why in the hell WOULDNT she show her nipple!? Lindasy Lohan is sexy as hell.. and youre jealous. Obviously^-^. So sit back, stop bitching, and enjoy Lindsays sexy? ass body;)

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