25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan – Bossy HQ Full Song

  1. vidwatcherhere

    it’s a promo song released last year to promote her new album which she HASN’T finished. Her label wanted it done already but Lindsay’s taking her sweet time. I love this song, too!

  2. welcom2thefreakshow

    Canny believe this has been oot for a year, ive been listening to it like everyday its so catchy and its Amazing, I love this song its so addictive canny wait for her new album

  3. GrGrGrGrGrGreg

    I only really like the chorus
    The first verse is good, the second isnt as good, but the third is good!
    But i do like her – is that her in the picture cos if it isnt she should change her look to look like her

  4. tdichick123

    OMG! SO sorry! I’m just too scared!Ok…. There was a lady who was walking in the forest with her dog and was killed. If u r reading this, then u will find a dead bloody body hanging in ur closet. U will be haunted and killed by her. to stop it posti this to 6 other videos in 30 GOOD LUCK

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