Lindsay Lohan Bombs In London & More! Ep. 014 (FULL)

Welcome to “Dish Nation!” Lindsay Lohan’s play bombs and it’s the 25th Anniversary of the movie “Lean On Me” and we’ve got a cast reunion in our Atlanta studio. “Dish Nation” is a daily half-hour…

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6 Responses

  1. BaconWrappedCupcake says:

    The guy who attacked Kim is that dude Vitalii Sediuk. He’s a Ukrainian
    reporter he has done stuff like this to a bunch of celebrities.?

  2. bluetextbooks says:

    I love TV stars that spoil their own show. First Ned Stark and now
    Harrison. He totally died and the show and announced it right before the
    premier…. smh?

  3. Nina Travis says:

    Boo, Rickey messed up the ending of the song. LOL?

  4. Ahsiam Nilwon says:

    Rickey looks really good with the low clean cut…he is almost attractive!
    You go boy!?

  5. Tony Hernandez says:

    Dang.. Nobody liked Rock T’s joke hahaha?

  6. autumrose1 says:

    I bet if they were on a mirror she wouldn’t forget them?