Lindsay Lohan – Bad Reputation

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25 Responses

  1. xXcarmexXx says:

    what are those lindsay clips from?

  2. Harry JW. says:

    @TWALLIZE she isn’t a rebel chick .. she’s a troubled ex-drug addict in and
    out of prison and rehab.. :/

  3. lolita34103 says:

    @ANDREWLIVE1 Thanks 🙂

  4. Charlie Brown says:


  5. doNOTtouch86 says:

    @TWALLIZE “fuck you kind of rebel chick” – could not find words to describe
    her better!!!!

  6. egocentric69 says:

    @TWALLIZE I agree, I LOVE Lindsay! I love her attitude as well.

  7. marshall bryan says:

    I think its by Letters to Cleo originally.

  8. Sorome says:

  9. punkifysh says:

    Letters to Cleo – Bad Reputation !!!!!

  10. CJ Neumann says:

    why did she have to go blonde she was hotter as a red hair

  11. 74917 says:

    this misleading – that whore can’t sing like that

  12. Janessa K says:

    I dont think she need to pay money for an official video, pretty sure she
    could of just used her real life….

  13. jen wenger says:

    u are a jerk leave her life alone stop bullying

  14. nomeutente61 says:

    thumbs up if you saw this in shrek and loved it!

  15. Val Solomon says:

    se is stopid

  16. KimmySparklerElyza says:

    She was act in The Parents Trap? Am I right?

  17. VanessaxDiGratia says:

    This is JOAN JETT <3 Not Lindsay Lohan, guess it's just a fanvid.

  18. Mapache says:

    Joaaaaan Jeeeeeeeett!!!!

  19. Nancy Aimola says:

    I now see she doesn’t care about her bad reputation .

  20. Bryan Obando says:

    ThIs is tHe bEsT sInGlE : AvRiL LaViGnE – BaS RePuTaTiOn =)

  21. Carolina Bramm says:

    porke esa cancion???nada kever!!!joan jett es una grosaaa lindsey o como se

  22. HarpsofThunder says:

    We Love Lindsay,,Great Talent.!,, Hollywood is Acid Though and The Road is
    Corrosive and EMPTY.!!!,,,Hope She Stays Away From Any More
    Pl,Surgeons,,She is a Super Hottie WITHOUT That Road.!,, NO You Can’t Give
    a Damn About What Haters Say and Do,But Still Balance is CRITICAL to
    Personal Happiness.!,, Wishing Lindsay ALL The Best.( Love Joan Jett Too
    ).. Cool Video., Peace to the Peaceful,,

  23. Dawiny Freitas says:

    joan jett. hahahaha encaixa bem nela kkk

  24. Keenan Antoine says:

    THANKS TIPS! -.-

  25. Haylie Alyssa says:

    who copy who avril or lindsay?