Lindsay Lohan Back To Dating Men

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25 Responses

  1. tico8007 says:

    more guys in Hollywood are going to start getting stds again

  2. mrscovil says:

    sorry people, my friend is drunk and out of control and typing crazy stuff on my account. it will stop because i am going to knock him out. apologies

  3. mrscovil says:

    you fucking french faggot, you lick nigger dicks you queer

  4. fuiiee says:

    I really dislike their comments about her… I mean yeah she may be a little notorious in her ways but when it comes to dating different sex? what does that matter? it just means she’s bisexual.. and she’s on a rough patch.. she’s just trying to have fun like u and me would do after a break up.. sheeesh

  5. arthurw13 says:

    what a freaking idiots.

  6. rockdiga says:

    Shes hot..why not date a hot chick…not a dude without a peen..that Defeats the purpose to me

  7. rockdiga says:

    Eminem is an american hero

  8. ThatguyNice says:

    Beef. It’s what’s for dinner.

  9. slothtopsy says:

    Pirate peen FTW

  10. floridasking939291 says:

    hahahahahaha thought the same thing

  11. j2jpop says:

    I guess she listened to Eminem. “Lindsay, please go back to dating men / Samantha’s a 2, you’re practically a 10!”

  12. regulatorzone says:

    I guess bruce willis’ cock was too old for her, she thought if she makes it over 10 years younger, it’ll be a different experience. Stick to cocaine lindsay, you’re more sane that way.

  13. CaliforniaWanderer says:

    ever heard of bisexuality? Seriously…why does it matter if she goes back and forth? I mean, sex and love is sex and love with a person of the opposite sex and even with the same…please people…get over her sex life…no one should care :-/

  14. Piko6262 says:

    If I’d have a shot at doing that I’d give a flying fuck =p

  15. purplemuskrat says:

    Same thing happens to me all the time, and not just with TYT videos. It’s annoying as heck.

  16. dinobrya says:

    I agree

  17. StinkingHombre says:

    who gives a flying fuck who that pig sleeps with?

  18. like2seeit86 says:

    Lohan is such a joke. If she’s lookin 2 get her career back on track all she needs is a good old sex tape.

  19. MartinezCowboys1 says:

    I’ve got this video back in my subscription after watching this video two days ago. What the hell?

  20. kymystic65 says:

    my guess it that she’s a publicty-sexual. In other words, she acted gay to get publicity.

  21. trahouston says:

    from my experience of living around white people, i must say that there are bi sexual people out there but many young girls do it like it’s a fad or just b/c it is cool at the time. It has become accepted generally for white girls to do it. It’s almost like a notch in the belt or an accessory to them; if celebrities do it then they do it.

  22. Voodooray007 says:

    She’s not bisexual. she’s Infosexual.

  23. ldbia says:

    She’s bi…What is there not to understand?

  24. enigmatically says:

    racism = epic fail

  25. enigmatically says:

    Yep, people should be able to love whoever they want to love as long as it is consensual. The reason religions get so up in arms about homosexuality is largely because procreation is the easiest and most effective way to recruit new members

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