Lindsay Lohan — Baby Got Back … Courtesy of Photoshop (PHOTO)

Lindsay Lohan is as good at Photoshop as she is community service — not very. Click ‘Show More’ for related content… Get Ready For Lindsay Lohan Poor Decision #73829 …

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24 Responses

  1. Kratos says:

    Mia Khalifa is telling me to subscribe, well I have no choice now but to

  2. Sjono says:

    She dropped the N word? Burn the witch ?

  3. abdulrhman al-sallum says:

    i really wana know why people say the “N” word but not the saying the
    actual word ?? we all know what the N word means it means nigger !! ,,
    saying the “N” word doesnt make any sense ?

  4. Ryu Hayabusa says:

    I still see no back… with or without photoshop lol?

  5. Jas says:

    Haven’t heard about Lindsey in a while?

  6. NichoTBE says:

    lindsey lohan can do no wrong… oh wait.?

  7. analavenger13 says:

    This is why I’ll never want to be a celebrity! You are watched 24/7 but
    then again…all the money! Never I want to be a celebrity?

  8. Yung Childsupport says:

    Baby got back ? Seriously that little butt come on now ?

  9. Product933 says:

    Crackhead pussy?

  10. Jake MacHine says:

    She needs to photoshop her face?

  11. Jason says:

    she’s a waste of human flesh, a zombie is what I see…?

  12. ICEGOD2 says:

    Photoshop is hell of a drug.?

  13. nique smith says:

    She knows how dumb ppl are?

  14. Qwerty Bastard says:

    I love how everyone now a days is so willing to wear their tinfoil hats.
    Not everything on the internet is a marketing ploy and plot. Isn’t it a bit
    more likely that people are stupid and fuck up?

    Also… Twisty and whatever the hell else he said? Really? That boy is to
    old to have such a bad vocabulary. The word is warped. ?

  15. Lamarr Love says:

    id fuck her?

  16. Nur La grande says:

    Does anybody actually care about this bullshit? ?

  17. Clutch says:

    Lindsay Lohan looks like she smells like vagisil and fish juice?

  18. Paulo Gomes says:

    She traveling through time and space that’s why ?

  19. boom bob says:

    I really don’t get why people hate Lindsay so much .. She’s a down ass
    white chick?

  20. Mark P says:

    Stupidest news ever?

  21. Twizz The Whiz Kid says:

    Wait a minute… she did what on instagram??

  22. King Kyler says:

    You thought she did it for attention…so you decided to make a video

  23. Michael Arnold says:


  24. 120507spicegirls says:
