Lindsay Lohan AVOIDS Jail in Plea Deal

Lindsay Lohan dodged jail AGAIN in court today, even after showing up almost an hour late. Lindsay took a plea which scored her rehab, community labor and ps…

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24 Responses

  1. Nachito Medina says:

    Hahaha OMG!?

  2. XxTheShanShanxX says:

    She convinced a company to pay for it so she could sponsor them? 🙂 So she got it for free.

  3. aimee barletter says:

    So tired of this bitch!! if it were just a regular person theyed be in jail!! how many fucking chances is? she going to get??

  4. Redrumhydro says:

    if rihanna was white then? that will never happen, he would be locked up with O.J

  5. Scopps94 says:

    wow that glitter bomb worked magic on? the bail! get me some of that!

  6. nightcbs says:

    die terrorist muslim? shit! : D

  7. joelmelendez1990 says:

    Lindsay lohan is a persom very evil sorry for she but is an persom with oportunity she to lost fans? sorry miss loser

  8. SprouseRocks says:

    everytime i watch “mean girls” i think ugh so sad? :/ she was so goodlooking there

  9. missmarilyn91 says:

    Girl could get away with? murder

  10. hbk711x says:

    wen need to put yopur faggot? touched by pedo priests and rabbis self to sleep…. you fag nazi symbol egyptain pagan freak…..lolz

  11. titanicroses says:

    Chris Brown is black and he didn’t go to jail. Celebrities tend to get milder sentences,if it was a normal person then he/she would be? sentenced to jail,

  12. freshmanchris7 says:

    @glaze314 Chris Brown? is black and he got slap on the wrist for beating Rihanna remember.

  13. Simplymatt937 says:

    If she was? black she’d be in jail.

  14. Karen Ussene says:

    I saw? in another place that the private jet apparently was from some drink company that Lindsay worked with before.

  15. c2baller1 says:

    Wow..? Thats it. Wow. Glitter bomb!

  16. 99fordf says:

    she will screw up and still not go to? jail

  17. jorge romero says:

    If this was a normal person there ass would? have been in jail long time ago

  18. CaptSaveAHo3 says:

    Some fucked up? justice system we have.

  19. cuteNADA1992 says:

    credeit? cards

  20. ashleyandlaycool1fan says:

    @glaze314 do? u know Chris brown?

  21. junior777797 says:

    Unbelievable, i mean how many chances is this chick gonna get? Unreal.?

  22. Kat Hans says:

    She should be locked up.. if it was you r I we would be under the jail..?

  23. TheBlindLion says:

    This? broad is lost.

  24. nightcbs says:

    just put her to sleep ? ; )