Lindsay Lohan At LAX — From Happy to Mad in 10 Seconds

Say what you will about Lindsay Lohan, but the girl’s got range. On the ground level at LAX LiLo is friendly as can be with photogs, even laughing off a ques…

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25 Responses

  1. reggieiburks33 says:

    Its simple, How many people you know really truly like to see other people succeed? Not many, most people want to see other people fail! I dont put anyone on a pedestal, so to me famous or not,? rich or poor its just another person, besides they’re just “entertainers” not doctors, fire men, police men, or soldiers

  2. reggieiburks33 says:

    They need to get a real fucking job, one that makes some kinda difference in the world, famous or not that shit is ridiculous, nothing short of harassment to me,? I’m glad my livelihood is not determine by the successes and failures of others in the public eye! what grimey living! hint people are people, WE have Ups and Downs just because someone has money doesnt make it ok to exploit them, and for what? to make people feel better about there sorry lives, C-mon! the laws need to change

  3. onepoundpull says:

    What kind of empty headed fascination do people have with this total loser that keeps this bimbo in the? news?

  4. ognimoddd says:

    mastur baiting??

  5. MrBaousu says:

    They r baiting 4? a story

  6. SistaWithRealHair says:

    I would LOVE the money, I would? HATE the fame!
    I’d have to kill one of those photographer hounds!

  7. oldschoolman1 says:

    Wow you truly are an idiot. I asked a simple question and the best you can do? is call me 10 or stupid. Since I don’t need to prove either to you I will ask again, and hope for a more intelligent answer. What country is it that you live in where the tv stars don’t get mass? amounts of attention? Take into consideration this girl has also showed what shes got on tv, and shes a little crackhead. Who cares if the Pap. attacks her, she brought it on herself!

  8. Alex Franke says:

    Man living like this? must be awful

  9. Rin W. says:

    Watching TMZ just makes me more? and more thankful I’m not famous!

  10. Mike Samagaio says:

    @tfsasori tell? me about it

  11. rancybajapanty says:

    In other country is not the same compare to this one you have more privacy like in? the USA u have ppl following you home and stuff I rather be famous in my country then here

  12. steppedat says:

    What kind of stupid ass question is that? Paparazzi is the same shit everywhere you go, you can see that on TV. Why are you trying to talk down to my as if I was from a place where there are no people? You are the perfect example of what is wrong with America and the? world. If you think paparazzi is ok and there shouldn’t be a law that prohibits it or regulates it, than you are either 10 and know nothing, or really really stupid.

  13. DatreonBook says:

    I want? this life.

  14. oldschoolman1 says:

    so you replied yet didn’t tell me where you were? from. What country is it that you live in where the tv stars don’t get mass amounts of attention?

  15. Al Sunshine says:

    she needs? a good bumming

  16. rancybajapanty says:

    Ill rather live this life because her life? with all that attention is not my thing hell nOOOOO

  17. steppedat says:

    You totally got me there?

  18. g00seman266 says:

    I was happy when that guy fell all over the trash? cans 0:27.

  19. chuck9788 says:

    Kevin, are you Jayvees homosexual boyfriend? Kevin if? you died….do you really think anyone would care? You’re worthless, just Lindsay Lohan.

  20. Shocksta1234 says:

    #FuckTMZ ?

  21. Kevin Lieben says:

    “If I were you I’d commit suicide” FUCK OUT OF HERE! Don’t u have anything? better to do with yourself? you’re such a hater

  22. Kevin Lieben says:

    and you? have no life

  23. Slimdagremlin says:

    They’re just tormenting her at this point. Thats not? cool.

  24. oldschoolman1 says:

    Are you just jealous perhaps that no one cares? about any of your actors to photograph them like this. Your tv must be B rated bull shit!

  25. chuck9788 says:

    Spoken by a true fag. Jayvee…..your a man, learn to act like one.? I feel so sorry for your mother, father and especially your grand parents. Jayvee, you are huge let down to them. If I were you I’d commit suicide.