Lindsay Lohan as Liz Taylor?

Will Lohan portray the screen legend in a TV movie about her life? Find out what sources are telling E!

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25 Responses

  1. heylovex3 says:

    i really? want a Lindsay lohan Comeback<3333 i used to be her number one fan.. she will make a comeback<3

  2. heylovex3 says:

    liz taylor she? was on Genearl hospital back in the day before she die

  3. hamhamham000 says:


  4. SuperPerfect10 says:

    @cinderellanya im not questioning are life style..but her beauty, she in no way cud? ever compare to her in looks n of course her status in the industry..n it is “acting: by the way no1 said u needed to have the same life style to play that person…

  5. ALWAYSMETRO says:

    I object?

  6. izzle8103 says:

    FUCK NO!!!!?

  7. maeflower522 says:


  8. RainTailz says:

    no, this cannot happen.?

  9. BabsMetroStation says:

    NO GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i rather have? KESHA play miss liz taylor

  10. LizardBlow says:

    i cant wait and i hope she gets the rule people need to stop judging her shes trying to get her life back? on track

  11. meggy6792 says:


  12. klmeto says:

    no no? no no no no no!!!

  13. MSWATCH2495 says:

    hhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii am elizabeth taylor? am not dead am alive am going to kill lindsay lohan muhhaahahaah

  14. MrIceBrick says:

    this almost surprises me, but Hollywood is constantly doing crap like this…its like a? Giant Turd playing a Beautiful Rose <3

  15. cinderellanya says:

    @SuperPerfect10 taylor also LOVED drinking and other stuff you know, so? why not

  16. malicemajesty says:

    wow i sure hope not ~ if anything she should play the older? version of her hahahaha

  17. peeco19 says:


  18. college87 says:

    oh? god i hope this wont happen

  19. MSsince1997andalways says:

    Addiction problems???!!!! Elizabeth suffered all her? life, thats why she got addicted to medications, she was not some 20 sth who likes to get high with a bag of cocaine!!!!!!
    I’m sorry, but it is totally unacceptable to me

  20. teentitans10101 says:


  21. MSsince1997andalways says:

    @shirlitta One of? the greatest answers until now.

  22. descalmagic says:

    i love lindsay lohan… she will be awesome as? liz taylor

  23. SuperPerfect10 says:

    oh man what a way to ruin a timeless? beauty like taylor…

  24. akacopycat says:

    No.? I used to like Lindsay but to play Elizabeth Taylor is a no-no.

  25. Laurite says:

    I don’t know, I think she’s pretty alike? Taylor