24 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Arrested in NYC

  1. Rishi Hebbar

    are you done feeling bad for useless? celebrities who contribute nothing to society besides material for shitty tabloids and entertainment magazines/news shows?

  2. Rishi Hebbar

    poor lindsay? she’s a 26? years old nobody still getting into trouble. and ontop of that the media reports it. if you sympathize with anyone in this situation then you’re as stupid as she is.

  3. rileymeese

    To the person who asked, “Why in God’s name is this news?” ANSWER : because people watch it. As in you and I. The only thing I want to know, – why does this sad, pathetic woman still? have a license to drive?

  4. CrankedApocalypse

    I gotta say it’s fucking? ridiculous how many times she got arrested and not have a long period of time there, (years) she’s a human being just like the rest of us and no matter how wealthy she is, she deserves the same punishment, if it were any normal people in this situation they wouldn’t give two fucks and just take em to prison, shit like this really pisses me off

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