Lindsay Lohan Arrested For Punching Woman

Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Lindsay Lohan has been arrested. Again. At a nightclub. In NY. For getting mad at some girl, who wasnt doing anything to Lindsay. If you are having deja vu, you are not alone.

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25 Responses

  1. bigdsears says:

    My point is, she never gets in trouble. I want that. I got busted for a joint not too long ago and spent 3 days in jail. This lady has been busted on coke twice and done a lot worse but never seems? to get into any trouble. I wanna party like her and get away with it like her.

  2. TheJeffreyRoberts says:

  3. Darkluna9 says:

    damn she looks like shit? : I

  4. WetPooooopie says:

    Never? learns her lessona patern with her 5 times in jails and rehab

  5. SeaTolli22 says:

    Get off the internet you? fucking lunatic.

  6. Namikaze Minato says:

    Do you have something stuck in your nose? Not to be rude, But it seems as if you’re talking? with your nose being plugged, or were you sick ?

  7. steamingleo says:

    dear lindsay… please seek? death

  8. HippityDoggity says:

    Yeah, I get annoyed at media, twisting a story I mean if they were allowed they would say “Lindsay Lohan walked into? a club today and beat up the first person she saw because they looked at her funny”

  9. ChevroletFan48 says:

    Gosh, what? happened to the Lindsay from Herbie and The Parent Trap…

  10. DAGuy726 says:

    that night club is 2 blocks from my? school

  11. ean151 says:

    yea like you know? the whole scoop, that “girl” could of been a huge bitch, I would of punched that random chick as well

  12. AyeSkyeTech says:

    wow, i think you got the? wrong idea. wow.

  13. AyeSkyeTech says:

    you are being sarcastic, right??

  14. del400388 says:

    How many chances does she get she better go to? jail

  15. ManFromMelbourne says:

    You wouldn`t want to be her. She`s under mind control. Another mk ultra victim. You see those “freckles” on her body? They are marks made by cattle prods which are used on the mind control sex slave to knock them out and to remove bad memories. This girl would be under constant trauma and torture by? her handlers.

  16. bigdsears says:

    I wish I were her. She does drugs/coke, goes on a filmshoot, goes on a alcohol binge, goes on magazine shoot, gets in a wreck, goes and eats some pussy, gets busted on probation, runs over a man in her car, she poses for pictures, steals some jewelry, she gets 100? thousand dollars for free, gets in a fight, does some meds, gets in another wreck… repeat and does all over again.

  17. bigdsears says:

    If I were Linsey I’d not? worry about a thing. She never gets busted. She goes in with a rich lawyer and they give her probation. Big whoop. The rest of us would get plenty of jail time. The hollywood folks always get all the easy treatment.

  18. fronk16 says:

    But I do feel like she needs jail time she needs space from this whole? hollywood thing

  19. fronk16 says:

    This doesn’t make any sense whatsever if she wasn’t on drugs or alcohol at the time why would she attempt to hit someone that wasn’t even? near her? That’s sounds fishy and vague

  20. Rasslingmagnet says:

    Black? Snake Moan Again!

  21. ChesapeakeLUVER123 says:

    She just wants attention…she had such? a nice career going, The Parent Trap, Mean Girls, etc. I can’t believe how much she has changed. But I know it is not her fault. It’s the media. You all know it too, its the media getting through to her, the paparazzi, TV, THIS YOUTUBE ACCOUNT, but she has a good thing deep in her and just needs help to find it:)

  22. Chrislh19 says:

    Lohan is nothing but a coward. she’s being a witch on purpose and thats why she’s my celebrity arch nemesis on my watch as time turns as such. she disgusts me, and her? behavior disgusts me and her brutal lying skills disgusts me. Wow. she’s doing bad stuff on purpose and lohan will pay for she did on purpose. Soon, lindsay lohan, it will be all over for you.

  23. sylicone221 says:

    i hope she gets murdered she? deserves it

  24. YTfancol says:

    Lol !!, In the life of that dumb bitch, that´s called Wednesday !!?

  25. hajieh14 says:

    yah? that’s for her own good too