Lindsay Lohan Arrested for Punching a Girl!

Lindsay Lohan was arrested after allegedly punching a girl in the face over a member of the boy band “The Wanted.” We couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried, folks…

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24 Responses

  1. Ashlee Nicole says:

    Oh gosh… Max what have you gotten yourself into….?

  2. onepoundpull says:

    Judge: How do you plead?
    Lohan: I’m innocent, she slipped and her? face fell on my hand!

  3. ArianaTheObvious says:

    You need HELP.

  4. Shanike De silva says:

    I fucking dislike TMZ.
    I just watched for? the news.

  5. GurraThePwner says:


  6. BloodyCinematics says:

    @TheWorldUnrated dude u dont know her at all. she? needs help

  7. RubixHeroProductions says:


  8. Anggie Nasution says:

    Lindsay needs to go to my home in Ubud, Bali Indonesia. She will get used to for not looking for? attention. Because nobody’s gonna? recognize her here. I mean no one will give a shit.

  9. Austyg says:

    hmm . . . out at? clubs at 4:00 am? . . . i don’t know that can be good

  10. Thegibbygees says:

    Lindsey was honeslty a great? women and wass pretty but she really messed up her life she could of had a future.. Dumbass

  11. David Ramirez says:


  12. amodunne28 says:

    she? really needs help

  13. Thefallengamer636 says:

    Her dumbass stay gettin arrested? 100th time

  14. chelsimittens says:

    Lol? peace officer

  15. Nabil Abdulaziz says:

    shes not goung to jail because she has money?

  16. H0plite99 says:

    Maybe she thought she was still at Bieber’s concert. A case? of mistaken identity.

  17. TheWorldUnrated says:

    And your free to judge who you want.. but while your at it judge everyone else on the earth to that punch a bitch in the face, or went to rehab, and got drunk.. more than once..? CAUSE LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of people have done the above.. so you might as well just stfu about lindsay unless you wanna add every other human being to the list that did the same thing.. & You’ll be looking like a idiot. POINT F**KING MADE! So good day, merry christmas, happy new year, osta lavesta ! 😉 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  18. TheWorldUnrated says:

    If you wanna see judging then p.s- actually post some videos and get? some views before you become anything relevant on Youtube.

  19. TheWorldUnrated says:

    How am I judging you? Im disagreeing with you judging her… thats not judging.. judging is “Form an opinion or conclusion about” I never formed a conclusion.. I never said you can’t think the way you do. Im saying that what people are doing isn’t right… point blank. & From a normal non judgmental? opened minded person it isn’t right!

  20. UnknownSoul1234 says:

    I love? Lindsay stay strong baby.

  21. Reuben Campbell says:

    Whats wrong with that ratchet bitch? -_-?

  22. Kevin Lam says:

    You don’t know how? stupid this “don’t judge others” argument is. The first instinct when something happens is to judge a person based on what they did. It’s human fucking nature. You’re judging me right now based on the comment I typed. So you’re a hypocrite, so you’re not any different. The whole “Don’t judge others” approach is pathetically stupid!

  23. Djappleshd says:

    its not a suprise that she got? arrested and does stupid shit.

  24. miggidymark says:

    Why? do they always tease Harvey like that?? lol