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Lindsay Lohan was ARRESTED at 4 AM Thursday in New York City for allegedly punching a woman at a New York City nightclub … law enforcement sources tell TMZ.
25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan — ARRESTED FOR FIGHTING”
two of my close friends saw linsey lohan at that cal of duty event last november for mw3 at the concert in LA and they said she looked? so gross lik a drug addict its sad what has happened to her thats hollywood for ya
she never goes to jail though. by following the? lindsay dramas we see how the rich and famous get treated differently by the courts, even if the police are doing their job
Lindsay was not drunk, this person is trying to make money out of Lindsay but that’s not gonna happen. Don’t pay attention to the headlines, focus in the content and try to understand? what’s going on first.
lmao your? comment made my day.
“Are? you kidding?!!!” Is SHE kidding?
I genuinely feel bad for Lindsay. I mean, I know she’s done stuff but most people get away with the stuff she? goes to jail for.
Poor lindsay.. I feel sad for her! This? tiffany chick just tries to get attention She doesn’t cares about how lindsay feels.. I’m really sad for her
two of my close friends saw linsey lohan at that cal of duty event last november for mw3 at the concert in LA and they said she looked? so gross lik a drug addict its sad what has happened to her thats hollywood for ya
poor? lindsay. she’s a trainwreck
Honeybadger dont? care.
Do not pass? go. Do not collect 200 dollars.
Why the fuck do you have to? have your logo right in the middle of the screen its so fucking annoying
dummy, she hit? someone. Wtf is wrong with people like you? No seriously, what is wrong with you??
Poor lins?
she never goes to jail though. by following the? lindsay dramas we see how the rich and famous get treated differently by the courts, even if the police are doing their job
I feel? so sorry for her! 🙁 give her a break!
Lindsay was not drunk, this person is trying to make money out of Lindsay but that’s not gonna happen. Don’t pay attention to the headlines, focus in the content and try to understand? what’s going on first.
First of all she gets away with the things she does and she doesn’t seem to mine and now its no big deal that girl? needs a new life seriously
People should stop ! This is a human bean life writing all those nasty things is not? good just leave the girl alone
Why is this still news? I mean, she gets arrested? like a couple times a week. No big deal for her
@rmshouv i dont think enough people understand this track is the best! AND..? you can use this to get it on your pod >>>
I dont know but? she walks perfectly…
let here die already? she’s fucked up
did lidsay lohan do that to the guy in? to top left corner?