Lindsay Lohan Arrested Again — VIDEO!

Lindsay Lohan punched a woman in the face over Max George, was subsequently arrested — we have the video! – Subscribe Now! – Like Us! – Follow Us! Lindsay Lohan Arrested…. AGAIN. Hi guys and thanks for tuning back in to Clevver News. Lindsay Lohan was arrested at 4AM on Thursday morning in New York City for allegedly punching a woman inside a nightclub. TMZ reports that Lohan was at Avenue when the altercation went down. Law enforcement says that Lindsay and the woman were seated at separate booths near each other inside the club, but that the two exchanged words. Lindsay said something along the lines of QUOTE: “GIVE ME MY SPACE.” After a period of time passed, Lohan allegedly punched the victim, whose name is reportedly Tiffany Eve Mitchell, in the face. Reports suggest that Lohan was upset that Max George, from the boy band The Wanted, showed more interest in the victim than in Lohan. You see, just hours before Lohan’s arrest — she was spotted hanging out front row at Justin Bieber’s concert at Madison Square Garden — and The fellas from The Wanted were the opened act. Though Linds wasn’t allowed backstage at the concert, she met up with Max, Jay and Tom at a hotel bar — and together they all ventured off to Avenue. TMZ reports QUOTE: “As the evening wore on, we’re told Lindsay got drunker and drunker … and it turned Max off. He then started talking to another woman, which enraged Lindsay. That woman is the one Lindsay is accused

25 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan Arrested Again — VIDEO!

  1. soilgrasswaterair

    What is up with the american law and celebrities? Clearly she just needs to be in jail or a pschyciatric ward , and those who drag her down would move on obviously. And she will be able to stay clean and figure out her life. I hope she comes around its sad to see someone who doesn´t care about themself or others. If anyone look at this with kids, just take in how much it damage them if you are not? behind them a 100 % and guide them to be strong individuals who can stay sain and say no things.

  2. sizzleyou

    Its so sad that she’s not getting help. Obviously she’s going downhill & someone needs to literally drag her into rehab & she needs to be there for a year at least! I just hope she doesn’t go? down the same route as Amy Winehouse.Lilo was my fav child star!): She just doesn’t seem to be improving at all.

  3. LMCMInterloper

    [cont.] get-go. I seriously think that she has a? mental illness(es) or disorder(s) that she inherited from her parents (Don’t know which one, but considering how fucked up both of them are, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was both of them). I seriously think that, at the rate that she is going, she’ll be dead before the age of 30. Sad, B/C she had a lot of talent and, at one point, was making $7 Million a picture. THAT’S MORE THAT WHAT HALF OF YOUNG HOLLYWOOD IS CURRENTLY MAKING PER PICTURE!!!

  4. LMCMInterloper

    This is so sad. And do you what the saddest thing about all this is that NOBODY talks about? After her child-star success, Her mom, Dina, actually took her out of Hollywood for a bit and she had a normal teenage-hood. That sort of thing usually helps child stars adjust into normal? adulthood. The problem was, Linds wanted to come back in Hollywood before she graduated from high school and, combined with her mom insisting on being her co-manager, pretty much fucked things for her from the

  5. Jiarvaugnii KenneDy

    Why are they punnishing her for things people do everyday and get away with it soo easily…..why??this is such a normal thing people get in arguments and fight and crash cars so? what?

  6. smockbloven

    major problem with the limelight at too early of an age. what needs to happen is to lock her up for a couple years. tough love format. she is not a strong enough person to help herself, i understand this as i went through a program myself 17 years ago and have3 been clean since. she needs help and i truly pray she gets it before? she ends up like amy whitehouse,john belushi,janis,jim,jimi,chris farley…need i say more???

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