Lindsay Lohan Arrest Warrant Recalled

A warrant issued for Lindsay Lohan’s arrest is recalled, while she and girlfriend Samantha Ronson’s latest fight reportedly gets out of control. See more Linsday news at

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19 Responses

  1. WeskJago says:

    blah blah blah blah blah

  2. singleguy23 says:

    weskJago why dont u keep ur fucking mouth shut

  3. LushMatee says:

    I hate her.
    Shes so ugly now too
    why change yourself when your already pretty!!

  4. manitobasuntanner says:

    she looks so old now, older than me and i’m way older. she has ruined her life. i hope she gets back on track. she needs to start dating men again cause she is not gay.

  5. carderbabe0817 says:

    actually police were called because of all the paps and people in the road way .. then someone told police bout a window breaking and a fight and when the police went to knock no one came to the door. get your facts straight.

  6. howie448 says:

    But she is still a BITTCH. ( yes I would do her )

  7. Jerayjay says:


  8. yummers215 says:


  9. zhanagergi says:

    1-Copy and Paste? this message to 8 other videos
    2-Go to your channel and look at you background.

    It might freak you out.

  10. lacey21333 says:

    hehe…..she looks old without makeup.h.ehee..

  11. LAMBfanz says:

    happy that she is ok i realy care for her

  12. WeskJago says:

    0:38 – as you can see this is the only footge they have of lindsay now. just old photos and footage. FORGET HER! SHE’S WASHED UP! SHE’S NOT CELEB MAERIAL ANYMORE! SH’ES A WASTE OF TIME! SHE HASNT DONE A MOVIE IN YEARS! NOBODY CARES! lol

  13. theOTMAAofficial says:

    wheres kelley kink?

  14. ndndrunk says:

    Why they still talking about her she hasnt had a hit movie in years
    if she wants to get back in she should get off her ass and redeem herself

  15. Verdantacock4Pwning says:

    Agree, the Jonas Brothers are also mainstream faggots, fun fact i need also to see them every fuckin day. i hope they die

  16. Verdantacock4Pwning says:

    Who the fucking Fuck cares? All this Mainstream Whores must die a slow painful Death.

  17. OHSiNGJENN says:

    Ughhh. WHO CARES? Shes becoming (and always was) an attention whore. Just like the Jonas Brothers. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE! I HATE IT!

  18. MettaliicXiice says:


  19. onyxxx101 says:

    first? yay!

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