Lindsay Lohan…Anorexic / Druggie??

Song: Never Knew By The Rocket Summer

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25 Responses

  1. mdcombs79 says:

    I found the CURE for addiction and I have proof for this? claim. Click on my name and witness Powerful Stories of Freedom. I personally know and have witnessed over 100? addicts who have found True and Lasting FREEDOM after being enslaved by their addictions for so long. I have been through many programs for? my addiction, but have never found so much Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love than I have in the program I am in now. And the people I know who have given their stories are experiencing the same!

  2. 907musicfreak says:

    i liked her best w. her c cups. 🙁 Now she looks like a skeleton.

  3. nalitaaa1 says:

    she is pathetic

  4. starmirna says:

    0:35 , 0:45 the times she was actually beautiful in, im so disapointed in u lindsay 🙁

  5. YumikoSasaki14 says:

    @34099832 fuck you

  6. magicianfear says:


  7. 34099832 says:

    to me lindsay lohan was perfect in 2004 and she had at least some meat on her with c cup tites but in 2007 and 2006 she became bony and went down to a b- cup and that made me angry because she look good before but she was probably a little insecure

  8. WretchedLivesWhite says:

    She’s a beautiful woman

  9. MegglesnDeggles says:

    @MrBarbieb0y no its not. even i urjoking thats not something to joke about. i am veryyyyyy skinny but not annorexic or bulemic or whatever, but being called it so much, i started learnin more about it and its horrible.

  10. stacyandersen07 says:

    she was a beautiful person till she lost all that weight

  11. returnoftheramble3 says:

    then they suffer when the world isn’t real.

  12. craigsgirl48167 says:


  13. jennypepper2010 says:

    you have GOT to hear this new song about Lindsay Lohan!!!! You will LOVE it (unless you hate her) “Lindsay” by Zeenie Town

  14. daniellesHXC says:

    this song is sooo shitty ahaha. wow!

  15. MrBarbieb0y says:


  16. XxXRoxygrLXxX says:

    0.20 and 1.27 is that her?! Omg if it is I never new that she was ever anorexic

  17. checkerblue700 says:

    But we have to remember if she is happy well good for her!

  18. CasualBunny says:

    She used to be so much prettier when she looked healthy.

  19. nanerz555 says:

    she isnt anorexic

  20. emskys says:

    i use to look up to her=/

  21. crazyboy4793 says:

    she finally looked good on the last picture

  22. Mrsluxaly says:


  23. 1982whitemike says:

    i dont find lindsay lohan attractive…. not my type

  24. thinislifex says:

    @AANNYY234 Never Knew – by The Rocket Summer 🙂

  25. AANNYY234 says:

    @thinislifex Ok, I speak slightly English, want to know
    Which is the name of the song of the video?

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