Lindsay Lohan Anorexia 2

Lindsay Lohan Anorexia 2

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7 Responses

  1. francesarc says:

    Pobre chica no va a durar mucho por esa enfermedad la verdad que Dios tenga misericordia de ella!!!.
    Y ojalá que tome coraje y cambié y comience a comer como debería

  2. billygomezZz says:


  3. Nerysita200 says:

    todos son gays!!

  4. tanimed says:

    omg omg
    poor of them

  5. tuddyfruity4 says:

    tricia needs to wear a bra!!!!

  6. crapperslapper123 says:

    in 1908 a woman named Sally Rusa was in the woods looking for her dog and a ghost came and killed her and if ur reading this u will find a bloody body hanging inn ur closet haunting you and it will kill you and ur fAMILY IF U WANT TO STOP THIS SEND TO 6 OTHER VIDS IN 30 MINS OR THIS WILL HAPPEN GOOD LUCK!!!!

  7. LindsayLohan001 says:

    Coitada da Lindsay!=(

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