Lindsay Lohan and Samatha At Panda Express.

Lindsay Lohan and Samatha At Panda Express.

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25 Responses

  1. Jelloeyessuck says:


  2. thismanisnotmyfather says:

    Check out our vids to see footage from Samantha’s show in Louisville, KY

  3. schulldear says:

    es hermoza

  4. GodKillTheQueen69 says:

    wow that bandaid was freaking nasty… with all that cash she could at least put on a clean one. lmfao

  5. HOLYpinkGRASSHOPPER says:

    Wish you Did too…My Next Birthday..When i Blow out my candles.. Im going to Wish that YOU get that Car =)

  6. fictionalize says:

    wish i had that car

  7. xSuPaSoNiCx says:

    she was about to run that guy over at the end lol

  8. laughtoutloudvideos says:

    º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨ post to 9 other vids
    ¨°º¤ø„¸ Copy „ø¤º°¨ press F5 twice
    ¸„ø¤º°¨Paste “°º¤ø„¸ OK
    ¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º look at ur background

  9. HappySneakers says:

    who the fuck walks a dog on a rope?

  10. hAleHjUn says:


  11. melmothd says:

    do they just let dogs have a dumb anywhere in LA? on the sidewalk?

  12. trombley2015 says:

    m really sorry, but these things freak me out sooo much! dnt read this(cuz it really wrks). u will gt kissd on the nearest frieday by the love of ur life. 2mara wll b the bst day of ur life hwever if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days nw uv startd readn this dnt stp this is so scary snd ths ovr 2 5 vids in 143 mins when ur done press f6 nd ur crush’s name wll appear on the screen n big letters ths is so scary cuz it actully wrks ths really wrks

  13. MaferAsi says:

    from england

  14. dirtybase91 says:

    wheres sam from?

  15. imflyinn says:

    it would be cool to be that dog

  16. arwhite21 says:

    why have i never heard of this sam chick? she is sooo beautiful.

  17. thatguyrmo says:

    this is def apublicity stunt

  18. dharma22 says:

    q ladillas de orto no?

  19. chelukz says:

    malditos paparazzi….

  20. stelthyninja says:

    lol Papparazzi are all gay

  21. MorganisBashline says:

    just leave them alone give them some privicy for just a minute god i probably would kill someone for asking me the same question over and over again

  22. jessy33taz says:

    pobre chica como se desperdician pudiendo hacer algo mejor en la vida ke pena

  23. johnoftheweb says:

    fucking paparazzi hell damn you

  24. lovelybhabe14 says:

    love you guys!!!! hope both of u will last forever..

  25. tlnystar says:

    morons fck this channel much trolls parapussiiiee

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