Lindsay Lohan and Sam Back In Action

Lindsay Lohan and Sam Back In Action

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25 Responses

  1. allwaysweird says:

    Jesus fucking christ! It’s one thing to do your job, but let the girls fucking walk man!

  2. tratrwe says:

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  3. MYV382N says:

    HAHA 🙂 Yeah.

    BBZZZZZ. 😀 hahaha.

  4. CourtneyLiisa says:

    Poor guys, fuck the paparazzis, would be soo hard to live like that.

  5. AkBledsoescram says:

    girls play with tits

  6. Saskiaatjeeh says:

    lol… Samantha looks like a guy XD

  7. yhygoduh7oh says:

    A little anal action on the beach – iANALPORNTUBE[.]COM

  8. Caelyn27Chaos says:

    why does it matter? guys aren’t who she wants to date

  9. foreverlovetswift says:

    Lol, We made u. so true… lol

  10. hammerofthegods01 says:

    hey lindsay, r u bak 2 sein men, samantha’s a 2 ur practically a ten

  11. MinxDakoda says:

    jezus fucking christ let the paparazzi fuck off or something, if i lived like that .. i would take a stungun and bbzzzzz all the crappy paparazzi

  12. princeben1232 says:

    on 2:08 samantha say :
    you fuck out of my car asshole

  13. SandJDavies says:

    agreed, she could have gotten a cute guy

  14. keeweeisbeautiful says:

    omgfg how the fuck can lindsey lohan be gay omg she does kiddy movies and now shes lesbian omg dats fucked up though i feel sorry for u lindsey lohan you could of gotten a cute lokking guy but instead you got an ugly lokking bitchie ass girl dat looks fucking aneroxic… im sorry if i offended anyone… sorryy sorry sorry but its the truth…..

  15. gunthypunthy says:

    this is weird

  16. louiseperrello says:

    sam looks like a skinny lil boy lol

  17. louiseperrello says:

    sam looks like a lil skinny boy lol

  18. OrangeSFO says:

    paparrazzi are scum

  19. lemonpiie says:

    i wish they be together again =/

  20. xbillyelliotx says:

    sick and sad life

  21. ndk160586 says:

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  22. bryanana87 says:

    why do sam always puts her hand in front of her mouth?

  23. sexxpistolsgroupie says:

    That is crazy man, but by the same token, that is the paprazzi’s JOB, to take photos of famous faces and when they spot them, they know that it’s a fat pay cheque for them if they get some good photos.
    Lindsay’s been used to this kind of attention for years now, you have to notice how she handles it alot better than Sam who looks absolutely terrified – before Lindsay was on the scene with her, I’m sure she didnt get half this much attention poor thing!

  24. shay6453 says:

    my goodness now thats just freaking crazy let them b my god

  25. mathena02 says:

    i love lindsay no matter what.
    shes saoo gorgeous,,
    i love her nose aqnd her eyebrows

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