Lindsay Lohan Admits to Stumbling On Her Road to Recovery – Lindsay – OWN

Watch an all-new episode of Lindsay on Sunday at 10/9c. Subscribe to OWN: Lindsay returns home after a weeklong trip to Los Angeles, fe…

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6 Responses

  1. Carolyn Campbell says:

    I truly want to see this young lady succeed .. in all ways. Yet, her self
    esteem is so low … she knows she can’t drink, yet she opts for a glass of
    wine with whomever this boy was … come on Lindsay. That being said, I
    wish the freaking papparazi would just leave her alone!!! Go away, find
    someone who isn’t so fragile and vulnerable. It really needs to be against
    the law to do what they are doing to her, and so many others. ?

  2. Hu Man says:

    wow she got skanky?

  3. Markiss Bello says:

    :-O lindsay dont get mad at her bc shes trying to help u! i hope u can open
    up my child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get rid of the idiots and bring in more
    positive ppl!?

  4. Rosalind Hawthorne says:

    She is a good “liar”. She knows that doesn’t make any sense. She is
    drinking again, and she knows that she is lieing to herself.?

  5. Joseph Matebane says:

    She is goign to be one of thee most wise women in hollywood?

  6. dfcart01 says:

    So she gets mad when you ask her questions on camera about her drinking??
    Isn’t that the point of the show???? Come on Lady O, don’t let Lindsay have
    here way here?