18 thoughts on “Lindsay Lohan accused of assault

  1. Ac3Ph3wl

    um…i think someone actually did this ? one of the celebs ?blaming drugs and alchohol for their mistakes and say that they will go to rehab. WHATS WITH EVERY MAN TREATED EQUALY !? lol good thing i dont live in USA , i would totally kill myself after 2 days living there D:

  2. gp167

    i feel sorry for her but it is kind of her fault, its sad really because she was such a good actress but they have let her off quite a few times :L

  3. parafleet

    This poor woman was raised by wolves. It’s amazing she’s lasted this long. Anyone who criticizes her is a hypocrite by negative time travel and person-transposition. That is to say, most people, if they had to grow up with wolves, would turn out like or worse than Lindsay has. Lindsay Lohan, your only concern right now is to stop drinking alcohol and stop taking drugs. Part one of that concern is to stop communicating with that dead-weight manwomanDJwhore.

  4. Mathewmartialart

    lets face it, when you in those places assualt can be anything from a shove, water thrown at you to the obvoius fist and kick fighting., and these types of places dont tolerate any physical altercation.

  5. concernedagain

    @concernedagain Everybody is a ‘Star’ or ‘Celebrity’ in the eyes of the media (if your willing for interviews of course and/or your life story), even if you have been in the public eye for 5 minutes for all the wrong reasons, trouble is, the public suck up most of what the media say? even if its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off 🙁

  6. concernedagain

    Dunno what to think, most media outlets put their own spin on things, maybe she believes in her own hype?, but then is she to blame when you have media worms using terms ‘stars’ & ‘celebrities’ just to get an interview and of course there is more ego stroking going on for future interviews. people make mistakes in life and ‘stars’ are no different. It would be more appropriate to use terms like ‘actress’ or ‘thespian’, if they have ‘earned’ the accolade of ‘Star’ then so be it, but Lindsey L ?.

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