Lindsay and Sam!! Cute Pics =) NEW

Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson COMMENT! =) … Lindsay Lohan Samantha Ronson

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25 Responses

  1. jellaaay says:

    Lindsay Lohan’s too gorgeous. they’re cute though but it doesnt look like Sam appreciates Lindsay

  2. mnrloveshane says:

    perfect Lesbian couple! i love the song! :))))))))

  3. nolamartin0 says:

    It’s Samantha Ronson: if it’s gonna rain

  4. ubah23 says:

    Whats the name of the song and artist?

  5. gegirlnboboy says:

    i don’t imagining sam is a gurl coz they’ve made a sweet couple..can c the love in their eyes.i’m not lesbo coz i’m a married woman but i love to c they alwez together..

  6. munyuk45 says:

    can anyone tell me what song is this?

  7. laurazapata927 says:

    Im sorry but im a bit well alot late on this news.. i did not linsay lohan was a lesbian!… i have nothing against lesbians i just didnt know. WOW!

  8. mihes says:

    in 1820 a man named fredrick osloft one day he was working in his lab until a ghost came by and killed him the next morning fredrick was nowhere to be seen 100 years later two boys went in the lab as a dare the boys where never seen again where aparently murdered now that u have read this comment tonight when u go to sleep the two boys and fredrick will come and murder you but you can stop this by posting this comment on 5 other videos by midnight im sorry i relly hate these things :'(“

  9. minoustudio says:

    nice, Thanks!

  10. rzvtck says:

    le sta super impreuna

  11. bibiboo2345 says:

    i looove them soo much ..they are soo cute ! Lindsay is soo fucking hot ,love you xoxo

  12. ohhsadiee says:

    Thank you. Someone with common sense in this world 🙂

  13. nattykenny1991 says:

    i dont know why people gave u -3, i totally agree

  14. nlovesk1 says:

    Love has no gender..

  15. ratsire4 says:

    heee ave maria Dios le dio pan al que no tiene dientes, y esa samantha es muy debuenas con lindsay que es una mamasita…definitivamente, que le vio a esa vieja tan horrible, y es una marimacha horrible….

  16. jessicano3 says:

    haha where are they at 1.06?

  17. ohhsadiee says:

    OKay this is just ridiculous and discusting.
    That is seriously the nastiest thing i have ever seen in my life.
    I can’t believe people could get SO down on their self esteen to result in such things as what you call “lesbianship”? WTF?

  18. elibeth555 says:

    oooooh my goooddddd madre santa que es esto.

  19. maritza565 says:

    its called if its goanna rain actualy bye samamntha rohnson

  20. badgurlhana says:

    i love them!!!

  21. XxiheartdaveyhavokxX says:

    HeDassa35, it called If it’s gonna rain.

    And these two are such a cute couple.

  22. Hedassa35 says:

    hey.. what’s the name of the song???

  23. hsmtranny says:


  24. nowzhee says:

    this is soo fuckin cute
    luv it

  25. beatboxer04 says:

    I agree. 🙂

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