19 thoughts on “Lindsam Ronson

  1. k90stava

    I think “All I Need” has become my new favourite, of her songs:D
    Damn difficult to find her songs though… A shame!

  2. xmen5k

    WOW, Samantha can sing REALLY good, all the time I was watching the video I had no idea it was her singing! Loved the song!

  3. purpleevil

    haha I actually adore her too. They both look awesome together.
    I just think its kinds funny that she says that in the song, and with that video and all.
    ha. Nice vid by the way

  4. sportyspunk97

    How did you get this song? How do I get Samantha’s songs? She’s got a lot of really good songs and it puzzles me how you people can get ahold of them and I can’t!!! Please tell me.

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