Liliana Mumy Drums. Matt Beckley on Piano. Bill Mumy Smiles.

No Britney Spears/Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan this time. Only a bunch of humble superstars in their private moments, jamming to the beat of their own drummer. Barnes and Barnes (Billy Mumy and his friend Robert) are watching… waiting… Buy “FISH HEADS” and other songs by Barnes and Barnes at Itunes! … Bill Liliana Mumy Beckley Barnes Scandalous Fun Keeping It Loose And Real Turbo Hip

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25 Responses

  1. toxicdeath111 says:

    hold your breth
    copy and paste to 1 vid.
    if u can do with out takeing 1 brthe u r a grate kisser

  2. xXxGemmaCullen says:

    i miss you babe!!!
    yesi kno liliana…ever since she was barely nine hour old!!!
    LOVE YOU HUN!!!!!!

  3. lespatmilescyrusbff says:

    i go to school w/ her.
    this was quite a while ago.

  4. JMein13074 says:


  5. afaaguy3000 says:

    she’s not half bad at drumming. My band needs a drummer if your watching this liliana!

  6. xxlauracurtisxx says:

    i luv her name 🙂 Liliana lol she’s awesome 🙂

  7. EternalPenance says:

    Marco… where are you?… still watching this??

  8. fellinghothothot123 says:

    She is such a cute girl and pretty women. She i talented very talente4d. 😀 JELIOUS!

  9. Starwors123456 says:

    She was adorable is Santa Clause 3, but now look at her. She’s even more adorable!

  10. jihnnyquest says:

    i like her laugh.. hmm…

  11. orangecuddlez says:

    no shes not believe me shes in my class shes soooo anying

  12. balexand8044 says:

    so cute love her

  13. pupsluver says:

    Lilana is so cute!i love her voice!

  14. snotjello says:

    Matt Beckley… related to Gerry Beckley of the band America? I know there are some connections between America and Bill.

  15. artiebarnes says:

    Liliana is so cool…..

  16. iluvcats888 says:

    I like the Yellow Submarine shirt Liliana’s wearing

  17. desinga says:

    Hilarious. Adorable. Look-wise, Liliana is Billy’s female mini me. Talent-wise too.

  18. terminaltoy says:

    So Billy was in B&B… jawsmacked. Who could forget “Boogie-Woogie Amputee”..? Lovely studio, thank you for this peek.

  19. anothercrusader says:

    Simple beat, always the best. Just ask Ringo. Worked for the Beatles. Liliana looks just like her dad.

  20. iluvcats888 says:

    Is her hair naturally wavey like that?

  21. xellenxmariex says:

    Liliana is such a cutie! And she IS pretty good at groovin’. =p Thanks for posting this! =)

  22. iluvcats888 says:

    Who filmed this?

  23. jsg625 says:

    I really enjoyed this. Liliana, you sure kept a groove. Lol!

  24. dadoodaidy says:

    Isn’t it the same kid that was sitting on the couch?

    I think Liliana inherited the cute Mumy head tilt.

  25. TheSwillMan says:

    Wait- at the very very end, there’s a single frame of another kid standing in front of the drum set. Is that your kid, Artie? Post the rest of that clip!

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