Lick My Lohan- Celebrity Slutsicles

See how Lindsay Lohan’s mom and little sister react when she brings home her lesbian lover, Samantha Ronson. … lindsay lohan celebrity samantha ronson animation parody lesbian

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25 Responses

  1. alvinawiater says:


    Youtube and other blogging sites are banned in Myanmar. Also almost all the free e mail websites too. Internet is such a powerful thing.

  2. rebekkah96 says:

    dnt read this(cuz it really wrks). u will gt kissd on the nearest frieday by the love of ur life. 2mara wll b the bst day of ur life hwever if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days nw uv startd readn this dnt stp this is so scary snd ths ovr 2 5 vids in 143 mins when ur done press f6 nd ur crush’s name wll appear on the screen n big letters ths is so scary cuz it actully wrks ths really wrks

  3. lijstbal says:

    also cocks

  4. wowzers5432109 says:

    Fuck you

  5. D7NEWTON7 says:

    1. ur a piece of shit
    2. why do u believe spam
    3. the internet cant kill u or bring magical wishes
    4. do u actually think it works

  6. soccerox327 says:

    dnt read this(cuz it really wrks). u will gt kissd on the nearest frieday by the love of ur life. 2mara wll b the bst day of ur life hwever if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days nw uv startd readn this dnt stp this is so scary snd ths ovr 2 5 vids in 143 mins when ur done press f6 nd ur crush’s name wll appear on the screen n big letters ths is so scary cuz it actully wrks ths really wrks

  7. bubbles2sing4life says:

    HAHAAHA “I love your daughters freckled Vag”

  8. Chickychick100 says:

    im so sorryz guyz will find a bloody body in your closet hanging there haunting you and will kill you and ur family and if u want to stop this just sends this to 6 videos in 30 mins? or this will happen good luck!!

  9. Holly145 says:

    ***KISSING TEST***
    don’t worry this isn’t scary or anything
    this is how it works…
    1.hold your breath
    2.copy and paste to 1 video
    if you can? do that without taking one brethe CONGRATS IT MEANS YOUR A GREAT KISSER

  10. YoureAHoeAndDontKnow says:

    “Like a dude’s taint?” ha ha ha

  11. DuckMySick4 says:

    1.take ur? middle finger and put on ur nose.
    2.say a name of someone u like.
    3.that person will ask u out or say they love u tomarrow.
    4. heres the thing copy and paste to 2 other vids its tru i tryed it yesterday and it worked lol

  12. cod4rush says:

    eeeeooooo!! LAWL

  13. YellowTexasRose90 says:

    “I don’t like balls!”
    “Nobody does, they’re frickin’ nasty!”

  14. demonsozen says:

    I dont think shes beating around the bush

  15. ashleytisdalestyle says:

    “I don’t like balls!”
    “Nobody does, they’re frickin’ nasty!”

  16. ChewyLampShade says:

    Speaking Of Balls. LOL

  17. spacegemini says:

    omfg i just got a contact buzz watching this video

  18. march88 says:

    the line with the oranges and the seal made me laugh!



  20. LalezkaP says:

    this is so funny! (y)

  21. Dessmothenes says:


  22. KARproductions460 says:

    hahahahahahahahahahaha….this is funnay!

  23. TIMWISDOM says:


  24. dizzlesmuk says:


  25. BJVirgo says:

    She called Sam Jude Law!!!! She does kinda looks like him, however. I love the “Mommy Dearest” allusion! Faye Dunnaway/Joan Crawford Rules!

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