Leave Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart alooone!!!

same people as we are, but most people don’t understand that!!! Do you see any sense when these stupid paparazzi ask Rob in the airport – *Rob are u really a vampire?? * or *Do you sleep with your co-star Kristen?* silly people… and the same silly people believe this nonsense in the magazines!!!!!! They are like we are. They also want to have fun and feel free at least sometimes… =( poor people… … Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart Taylor Loutner Lindsay Lohan rumors wild fans famous …

8 thoughts on “Leave Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart alooone!!!

  1. littlewing1975

    Every single woman that Rob is seen with he’s sleeping with her. This is very sad and people need to stop with all these damn rumors and leave them alone before someone get’s hurt.

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