Larry King Is Going To Neverland Ranch.

Larry King Will Be At Neverland Ranch In California. USA 07 01 09 — Follow us on Twitter at … “Larry King” CNN “Neverland Ranch” “Northern California”

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14 Responses

  1. marykilpatrickbrown says:

    Why do people feel a need to be so cruel, the man does great work. Oh and in case you didn’t know you will grow older some day too if you’re lucky. Karma might jump up and bite you in the butt.

  2. lilkman30 says:

    who r those kids?

  3. fegue2 says:

    kid looks gay……

  4. EngelbertHumpingDick says:

    He looks like a walikng cadaver. He needs to retire.

  5. dreamsindogyears says:

    larry kings’s son looks homo. aint he a little too old to be holding his dad like that?

  6. roommatestv says:

    was i even talkin to you, dumb asian? no i wasnt. fuck you. he is so rude on his show sometimes its not even funny

  7. JimAsian1 says:

    Whatever. Please be cool, not rude. Larry is the man

  8. honeybugg0723 says:


  9. XxJOEYMANxX42 says:

    that kid looks so gay

  10. niffer58 says:

    i think she should but at neverland that that they can bus just a short few a day to come see the king of pop. let him be burried there so he can be at peace this also protects his body.. and i am sure would make him happy that neverland can be his tribute still. only a few buses wouldn’t be too much traffic….. if you agree pass it on… please

  11. TACOBIVOID says:

    elvis is a molester

  12. UFOtuber says:

    He’s got little kids hanging on him grabbing his shit. Hmmmm, reminds me of Michael Jackson

  13. ODIESR4EVER says:

    who the fuck is him

  14. roommatestv says:

    larry king is an old bag.

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