Trailer for Lindsay Lohan movie “Labor Pains” … lindsay lohan labor pains laborpains trailer movie film pregnant pregnancy

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25 Responses

  1. superlative909 says:

    that looks absolutely shite

  2. emiley1011 says:

    woho shes back finally lindsay lohan is back

  3. Thomas678900 says:

    its not coming out in theaters only on DVD.

    It comes out in August

  4. panicatheboychemical says:

    thats cool 😀

  5. Jelloyumyummy says:

    When does this movie come out ???

  6. sorry997 says:

    It’s okay I see that you are a big fan of them and MCR and Panic I love them all and The Cab.

  7. fagash2009 says:

    it isnt been released in the uk it said ..

  8. panicatheboychemical says:

    yeahh, haha sorry i was hyper xD

  9. sorry997 says:

    um Maine the name of the band is The Maine if that is what you were referring to.

  10. azurebecky says:

    One hell of a ph0toshoot – _CELEBRITYUTUBE_._COM_

  11. panicatheboychemical says:


  12. GreenPandaParade says:

    I hear the maine 🙂

  13. lesya21 says:

    no she is not

  14. far71991 says:

    look at her hand 0:45

  15. iwa4957 says:

    LOL! can’t wait!

  16. SweetIrishbebe says:

    its acutally july 19th that it premieres.

  17. SweetIrishbebe says:

    I cant wait i miss her movies!!!

  18. lunardolly says:

    Good. I miss Lindsay. I like her acting, I like her voice, and I can usually watch her movies more than once

  19. fashion4pashion1 says:

    is she rely pregnant im confused

  20. Biddleness says:

    Labor Pain will be out July 2009 straight to cable and out in DVD in the fall ’09.

  21. johnronlohn says:

    im saying this now when this movie comes its going to suck big time, Lindsey Lohan is hot as hell but man does she does bad movies mark my words,p.s.:don’t be shocked if Lindsey ends up hosting her own reality show is some years

  22. SuperMonrose says:

    fantastic trailer <3 i love lindsay lohan =)

  23. xoxApriiilxox says:

    thank you 🙂 xox

  24. LindsayDeeLohanLilo says:


  25. xxCrazyForCampRockxx says:

    Cant wait! 😛

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