L-I-N-D-S-A-Y (Career Suicide)

www.smoothE.tv Comedian Eric Schwartz aka Smooth-E is caught in a high-speed game of cat and mouse with Lindsay Lohan. Another DUI? What is Lindsay Lohan on? Oh yeah, drugs. Directed by Jake Weins http . … Lindsay Lohan Grand Theft Auto Career Suicide DUI Eric Schwartz Smooth-E

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25 Responses

  1. karlabonita25 says:

    porfavor no lea esto
    el 13 de octubre de 1991
    un niño llamado nick se tiro de un puente devido a problemas familiares
    si ya leiste esto deves copiar y pegar
    en? otros 5 videos mas o si no
    nick vendra por toda tu familia
    haslo o moriran porfavor

  2. YoungCeser14 says:

    he he he

  3. TeamJacobBlack123 says:

    Stop spreading this shit!

  4. minhngoanhien says:

    yes, a Scion like mine 😀
    mine is black

  5. wondeboy12 says:

    L-I-N-D-S-A-Y you aint go not alibi That was awesome.

  6. TypeWriterABCD2000 says:

    stupid whore should get a REAL sentence for drunk driving.

  7. airborne120 says:

    i love it:) HAHAHAHAHA

  8. yetonGhul says:

    personnally i dont care about L.i.n.d.s.a.y.

    she does kids movies. I’ve never heard of that “actress” until I went to the dentist and there was some rumor mags in the waiting area.

    anyone who is older than 19 should not have heard of that girl. gives me the creeps that u guys pay attention to that “socialite”.

  9. fuckyou00k says:

    lindsay is an idiot just like paris and brittany fuk em all

  10. videomaker2 says:

    i love lindsay
    but this was funny
    love the rap

  11. pnokprincess1345 says:

    There was a girl named Jillian. Her parents left her at home alone for 3 hours. Each hour she recieved a phone call. It was a man and he just groaned then hung up. She got scared and locked the door. She decided to go hide in her bedroom. When she got there, there was a man hunched over holding a bloody knife. She screamed and then killed her. If you do not post this on at least 10 videos in the next 20 minutes the hunched man will come and appear in your room late at night one night.

  12. honeyandwool says:

    groovy beatz bruhda

  13. aferthought256 says:

    Lindsay is such a dumb worthless half wit.

  14. DaKidPhresh says:


  15. brotherman154 says:

    should have stolen more than one bottle of alcohol.

  16. sweetsarahmusic says:

    HILARIOUS!!!! :’D

  17. criseldax3 says:

    omg lmao your videos are SERIOUSLY HILARIOUS ;D

  18. NZatJSbeasts says:

    lmao seriosly

  19. angelgirl1992 says:

    I love this song! It’s better than the Sanjaya Anthem!

  20. stormmycrystal says:

    hehe, cute

  21. MasonQuarrell says:


  22. MasonQuarrell says:

    hey ma you have the best vids on youtube

  23. jake21994 says:


  24. zacharystrobelshow says:

    rotfl (roll on the floor laughing)

  25. totalpckage says:

    im deff. subscribing!

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