Kevin Pollak Chat Show-1st episode intro

everybody who came out for the first show, clearly we have lots to learn from YOU fine people out there in the community. Sound issues will be resolved, as this is a work in progress. AND A HUGE thanks goes out to Levar Burton and Samm Levine for being our first guests. Crew: Tyler Jason Jamie More clips to follow… … kevin pollak chat show twitter community youtube stuff levar burton samm levine lindsay lohan britney spears podcast amateur hour still learning contest intro nope vlog jack …

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25 Responses

  1. jvrcarrasco1990 says:

    FriendsCallMeLou stfu

  2. FriendsCallMeLou says:


  3. walknwink says:

    Here’s MY 3 Degrees of Kevin Pollack….”D.L. Walker” ..and… GO!

  4. dunskie says:

    Do you think Obama really goes outside the office to smoke?
    Fuck that. He is the Pres. It’s his office.
    Smoke away Mr.President.

  5. dunskie says:

    Let me guess.
    The 3 letters Kevin did’nt want to show were TMZ?

  6. Funnyorforgetit says:

    great stuff! you sir are a very funny guy!

  7. yoursisterinfour says:

    hahahahahahha, ur so funny…..but all true

  8. Hollyelvis says:

    I llke that Woodman impersonation too!

  9. Hollyelvis says:

    Kevin, I really enjoyed your Levar Burton interview. And you do a mean Jack Nicholson, my friend. How do you guys do that?

  10. DopeSpace9 says:

    yeah, i was hoping they’d archive they whole episode too.

  11. Realizalize says:

    Puk not dead.
    we had the allures, the caracters, the solo talents,
    the ytub stars, drama, guys concepting,
    what says the punk in you?
    we are part of it.
    youn “inter-view” is very interesstingly new….

  12. Polcius says:

    “Hand me the keys, you …”

  13. XjennydontbehastyX says:

    omg i’m going to quote this all week!
    ‘sell crazy some place else!’

  14. gotilk says:

    Where the heck is the whole show?

  15. BarItaliaSC says:

    “Have at it!!” That is some funny shit right there. Good show Kevin.

  16. hippysIapper says:

    wtf?! this video didn’t even show up in my subscriptions box. fuck, youtube is useless!!

  17. Zoyxx says:

    I am probably showing my age, but I lived through the Geoge W. Bush years. What a crazy time, eh?

  18. jiklar says:

    looking forward to the clips. I missed the first show.

  19. grantmissionx says:

    To Kevin and the guys that made it happen, Great show. Love the attitude of “Just doing it”, and see how it develops.

    Look forward to next week. Will plug it around.


  20. Mocktales says:

    Wonderful show Kevin. definately enjoyed every bit of it. Can’t wait to see next weeks.

  21. Joekins89 says:

    Great stuff, really looking forward to this

  22. lorri79 says:

    ace show! LOVE IT, KEEP EM COMING 🙂 XX

  23. JimmerSD says:

    Classic Bit! Love the LL and Jack routine!

  24. drboogersnot says:

    Waiting for more, please. 🙂

  25. DyBee says:

    Great show, thanks for doing this for us Kevin!

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