Kathy Griffin Hosts Larry King Live – 07/25/08 – Part 4

Kathy Griffin hosts Larry King Live and discusses the subject of paparazzi. She speaks to various paparazzos and experts and also chats with tabloid target Brooke Hogan. Thanks to Joseph for recording this for me! Check out his videos here: www.youtube.com … Kathy Griffin Larry King Live CNN Host Paparazzi Brooke Hogan Jason Kennedy Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie Brangelina David Spade Britney Spears Lindsay Lohan Mel Gibson Hollywood TV Hollywood.TV Miley Cyrus

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18 Responses

  1. triedntru25 says:

    props to jason for handling those questions from kathy. shes great, but her “interrupting with jokes” thing she always does doesnt work so well when the guy shes talking to has a five second audio delay….

  2. MuryKrasnik says:

    wait did he say he checks mileys Iphone? what ???

    thats not right man!

  3. scramasboy says:

    HAHAHA The Jonas Brothers makin out with some guy xD

  4. Kiwigal84 says:

    yes im positive, thats all. 😛

  5. young0825 says:

    Kiwigal84// are you sure that’s all you want to give her? (wink) lol j/k

  6. Bahia82 says:

    why wont the paparazzi try that? They wont try it, because they dont have the balls to

  7. fluidicmethod says:

    (whisper) Emmy winner

  8. num1meekfan says:

    would u kick him in the nutes? lol

  9. Kiwigal84 says:

    omg kathy you are so adorable i just want to give you a big hug!

  10. nigeldoor876 says:

    she made a good point with the ‘why not’ thing

  11. shelleybelley682 says:

    Kathy Lee Griffith? Who is that? Do you mean Kathy Lee Gifford or Kathy Griffin?

  12. fleeperzonk says:

    Oooo… Dr Drew book to look forward to.

  13. cronoskronos says:

    Imagine if one day all of the paparazzi got together and decided not to photograph the Jolie-Pitts. Do you think Brad would still want “laws”?

  14. bahmaboy says:

    kathy lee grifith nude.


  15. jsizzleDC3 says:

    I love at the end she said Larry King Live the Kathy Griffin edition

  16. QueerSwede says:

    “I dont like mentioning names.


    I do” HAHAHA

  17. Dzmo15 says:


  18. pepsiblue5 says:

    lmao what about the jonas brothers making out with a guy

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