Look how poor Lindsay knocks & knocks. I could cry. I’m so glad Pete Wentz isn’t this way to my other idol, Ashlee Simpson. I’d DIE if Lindsay Lohan on my door!!! … Samantha Ronson doesn’t open the door to her house for Lindsay Lohan

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6 Responses

  1. dimitrelaaaa says:

    oh no.. poor Linds.. this is so sad. C’mon, Sam, whats wrong with u?! how can u do this to Lindsay.

    guys, i thought Sam loved Lindsay. but now im not so sure..

  2. mylive23 says:

    sam is so bad . poor lindsay

  3. elephantseatpeanuts says:

    wait she was in there with another girl?

  4. LindsLoFan says:

    It’s not funny, Samantha is a fucking bitch!

    And poor Lindsay has to stand outside while Samantha is in there with bleach blonde TRASH!

  5. GirlsSoBored says:

    🙁 she has nooo privacy

  6. elephantseatpeanuts says:

    hahah!! its funnyy

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