Just My Luck – Trailer

Lindsay Lohan, M Henry Jaderlund, Chris Pine, Samaire Armstrong, Carlos Ponce, Bree Turner,Faizon Love, Makenzie Vega and Chris Carmack

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25 Responses

  1. hatrang2111 says:

    no, only? jail, I think.

  2. McflyFan1forever says:

    was she in? prison?

  3. Ben Burgess says:

    1:06…? Lindsay found the jail scene really easy to film… I guess because of her experience in prison

  4. VanessaMorgan313722 says:


  5. ariyanna12341 says:

    thumbs up if? here from seth does movies im drunk minecrft video

  6. TheNanyali says:

    because he? needed that luck

  7. Daniel Elek-Diamanta says:

    Well… This has been me this month, I didn’t even have to kiss a? guy to get bad luck either! lol

  8. LovelyLies16 says:

    No, you’re fine. 🙂 I was just asking a question and well, you answered.? lol

  9. MilayaRox says:

    Yeah, I hope I didn’t? pass off as rude. lol [:

  10. LovelyLies16 says:

    Hm.? Okay. Just wondering was all.

  11. MilayaRox says:

    download it at pirate bay?

  12. MilayaRox says:

    That other dude? She kissed a bunch of dudes. &? they didn’t have bad luck. Yeah… It wasn’t just kissing a guy, it was kissing HIM… the guy with bad luck.

  13. LovelyLies16 says:

    Here’s one thing I don’t get. If KISSING a guy? is what caused her to lose her luck, then why when she kissed that other dude he didn’t take her luck?

  14. noaho0 says:

    I LOVED THIS MOVIE 🙂 love u? chris pine 🙂

  15. xxkatiexxist says:

    thumbs up if you watched? this movie just because mcfly are in it?!

  16. McflySingapore says:

    Mcfly YEAH !!!!!!!!! \M/? !!!!!!!!!

  17. naya24loveX says:

    I’m only going to watch this movie just because I. Marlene King wrote it!! <3 Pretty Little Liars creator 😀 & it's a nice cast :)?

  18. WRONGBNJ says:

    i used to really love the movie!!!
    but i? lost our cd >< im so stupid!

  19. MrSandis11 says:

    McFly? Yea 😀

  20. Xos7ephoX says:

    Can someone please tell me where? I can watch this? D:

  21. alejandra alvarado says:


  22. LorennaBrazil says:

    Adoro esse filme.? Gosto muito de ver filmes com a Lindsay, torço muito pra que ela consiga se endireitar na vida.

  23. meetna0mi says:

    I loved the movie and? the fact that mcFly is in it -3

  24. aimz3996 says:

    Only reason I watched this film was because? McFly were in it. But I actually love it 🙂

  25. GamingInHeaven says:

    I? am epic.