Jonas Brothers Will Marry YOU! Lindsay Lohan Blogs For $$$!

live SUN 9/21 TONIGHT! 10PM EASTERN! COME NOW! Please subscribe! XO Buck Comment questions of the day! 1. WHICH JONAS WILL BE FIRST TO MARRY? Who would you want? 2.THOUGHTS ON MILEY DATING A 20 YEAR OLD? Is it a BFD? 3. DO YOU LIKE WHEN CELEBS BLOG ABOUT POLITICS or Is it ANNOYING?! Hope you enjoy this video about Jonas Brothers, Lindsay Lohan political blogs, a football star takes his balls out and drama on the set of the new 90210! Leave JB a comment asking them to marry you …

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25 Responses

  1. xxkatiemckenziexx says:


    i love this

    when ur havin a bad bay this will make u all better


  2. BalletGurl7725 says:

    omg i almost cried laughing XD this was amazing

  3. momoXlover says:

    Sorry i hate these things x.x.)
    If you start reading thins you CANT stop .Once ther was a little girl named Cecilia.She was a little 7 year old who got strangled and raped by a man =.If you dont post this to 15 other videos you will see CCecilia standing at the end of your bed with a knife and she will kill you
    You have to do this by midnight or you? will be dead

  4. lilemm920 says:

    in 1829 a man named fredrick was working in his lab and a ghost came by and killed him the next? morning fredrick was nowhere to be seen 100 years later 2 boys went to the lab as a dare the boys were never seen again aperently murdered now that u red this comment when u go 2 sleep fredeick and the boys will come and murder u but u can stop this by postiong this on 5 comments before midnight

  5. qjehup says:

    Adrianna Nicole Interracial Anal sexx! – __FREEXANGELS(.)COM__

  6. msmerf says:

    If u r reading this, then u will find a dead bloody body hanging in ur closet. U will be haunted and killed by her. to stop it posti this to 6 other videos in 30 GOOD LUCK

  7. hpugnu says:

    Asian in the kitchen – *IHOUSEFREE(.}COM*

  8. awkando2 says:

    rofl have a cry and the jonas brothers suck balls

  9. tashaizdabest123 says:

    If u r reading this, then u will find a dead bloody body hanging in ur closet. U will be haunted and killed by her. to stop it posti this to 6 other videos in 30 GOOD LUCK

  10. pookadork says:

    in 1829 a man named fredrick was working in his lab and a ghost came by and killed him the next? morning fredrick was nowhere to be seen 100 years later 2 boys went to the lab as a dare the boys were never seen again aperently murdered now that u red this comment when u go 2 sleep fredeick and the boys will come and murder u but u can stop this by postiong this on 5 comments before midnight

  11. MyMuffinManJoe says:

    dude ur so gay. and leave The Jonas Brothers alone u stupid son of a bitch. u dont no sht. i dnt no wat the hell ur problem is, talking bad about people. just get a life and yeah seriously, get ur camera and shove it up ur ass.

  12. dummyinblue says:

    “You’re great musicians and I love how you fill out those tight pants” hahahahaha. “Just pick a comfortable pose to hold for ninety minutes and make sexy eyes at Kevin, don’t even bother with Nick or Joe because their in love with themselves” hahahahahahahaha

  13. stephylove1024 says:

    im sorry didnt know it wasnt that gay guy am i take back everything a said and i will post it on his channel cause i mean it so much cause im seriouse he should not be talking about the famouse people like me that way

  14. 2sillyawakegirls says:

    i agree about the whatthebuck show, but i hate cursing

  15. stephylove1024 says:

    ohh dude shut up mother fucker you son of a bitch why dont you get you friking video camera and shove it up you fuckin as son of a btich i dont like the jonas brothers but there is no reason why you should be talking about people like that you fuckin ass hole fucking bitch man i should make a video saying wat a bitch you are motha fucker screw you

  16. valpalbaby says:

    lmaoo is all i have too say lol i luv this guy

  17. ILYBenjiMaddenx0x0 says:

    dude u r so funny!:L

  18. SouthEastComedy says:

    love your music check out my band… now on the road… maybe one day they might be your opening act … comment and rate it…. thanks

  19. JudySteger says:

    I know you appologized above, but there is no taking that back. Haha. You make me giggle.

    Well, props for you for speaking up for all of the little girlys out there who are crying now. You are their innermonologue.


  20. JBmountainclimbers95 says:

    lol 3:11- 3:12 xD

  21. imjobrosbiggestfan says:

    no and im sorry i said that bout him i was just hyper and i actually love his show. im really sorry.

  22. imjobrosbiggestfan says:

    im sorry i went crazy on u. my bad im just a big fan and i was really hyper. ur actually really funny and i love ur show. so sorry.

  23. ComedysNot4Michigan says:

    haha Bucks pretty funny. Check our page out at ComedysNot4Michigan

  24. nickjismine105 says:

    the ending scares me………O_o

  25. FUNNYTINA22345 says:

    Yeah… dude. Have you even met him?

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